New to the Fitness Pal!

I am 30 years old, I weigh 265 pounds and am at the largest I have EVER been. When I was younger I was a size 9, now I'm a size 22, depressing!
I have recently starting hitting the gym again and trying to shake this extra "jelly" off, lol.
I do Zumba on Monday nights for an hour, and hit the elliptical and track for 1 and a 1/2 hours for atleast two other days during the week.
I have a 3 year old daughter, which is how I bumped my weight up so much, I gained about 50 something pounds when I was pregnant and it doesn't seem to like to go away, also had a c-section and that area is a very stubborn belly fat area!
Trying to stay positive and motivated, really want to just get rid of all of it!!! Goal is to get down to 190lbs.