Going Clothes Shopping

Okay, so I have been losing weight for a while now and sometimes (like this morning) I look in the mirror and I'm like DAMN I'm looking better and thinner everyday! But then I'll go to the mall and try on clothes and my self esteem just plummets because the clothes that should fit me look horrible on me or are too small. And no, I don't pick sizes that are too small. I usually wear mediums/larges. WTF. I haven't bought clothes for myself in almost a year because I feel that nothing looks good on me. I haven't worn a bathing suit in about 12 years. I hate going to the mall or shopping for clothes because nothing works. It's so depressing. Is it just me? This makes me sad :frown:


  • needsalife3
    needsalife3 Posts: 56 Member
    I would suggest that you take a camera with you and take pictures of yourself in different outfits, different styles, etc. I'm guessing that the mirror gives you a distorted view of yourself and you really need to step back and take a realistic view. Undoubtedly there will be things you hate how you look in and things you love. But I do think looking objectively might help. Also, you might want to have a stern talk with yourself about aging, gravity and the reality of getting older. Good luck! I'm sure you're gorgeous and can't see yourself the way others do. Try really hard to.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Take your measurements and then look up what your actual size is (google it).

    That way you are certain you've picked the right size.

    Also look up advice on what clothes fit your figure (again, google it) or ask someone at the store what they think would suit you.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Your body may be changing shape too, in a good way. You say you're looking better when you look in the mirror - that's where it starts! Especially when you exercise you start to get definition in places. Some parts still stay big though, at least for now, maybe those spots don't change as much quickly. For example my shoulders are broad & I have a wide rib cage, so even when I'm "small" & look "better" most shirts still fit tight. And I've always had a butt, even when I was a ballerina haha. From what you said though it seems like you're going in the right direction so keep it up! Even though I've only lost 1lb in the past 2 weeks, I see my body changing for the better already. Keep your head up! :)
  • xxtaliaxx
    xxtaliaxx Posts: 123
    It's this gut I have that just won't go away no matter what I do! Every time I think I've lost some off of it, I measure myself or try on a shirt/pants and nothing. Soo frustrating! I get in the mid 150s and just can't lose weight anymore. It's nothing but downhill from there. I feel like I'll never be able to go shopping in confidence.
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    What have you done to lose the belly?

    I agree that a camera angle may give you a better approach also.

    Try on a size bigger. Just do it..... and see what the difference is.
    Then I ask ... are you trying on the same style of pant/top all the time?
    Super low waist will enhance the middle. Try a different fit or just below waist.
    You have to work WITH what you have, not against it. Open up the mind and
    try something new.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I absolutely loathe clothes shopping now (where I loved it when I was morbidly obese). I am down 5 sizes, so I've had to go clothes shopping many times over the last year or so. After the 3rd awful trip, I realized that I honestly had no idea how clothes are supposed to fit-and how that would feel to me (like feel of the fabric kind of feel). So, I no longer go shopping alone (my friends have forbidden it because they got tired of the text-fests from the fitting room lol). I bring at least one friend on every shopping trip-because I still don't "get" how clothes are supposed to fit and turn into a overgrown 4 year old throwing a tantrum because nothing "fits" (in any size lol). My friends are the voice of reason, because I clearly have none in this area if left alone.
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    Do you have personal shoppers in the department stores?

    They can take an objective view of your figure and bring you appropriate styles to suit and fit you, and show you how to wear them.

    You may find new shapes and ideas that you wouldn't have picked up yourself
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Just remember not all clothes are meant to fit everyone. I'm always trying on clothes and think ugh, I look horrible. The more you shop, the more you'll understand what looks good on you. I will tell the sales people, I don't have like this because... and they are really helpful at finding flattering options. Still, there are days I try on lots and buy nothing. It happens. Wait a few weeks and go back.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    First of all, thank you for your service, and of course congrats on your weight loss ..... you rock, honey !

    Clothes shopping can be discouraging, especially for swimsuits, but take a deep breath & jump in ...... turn off the emotional part of your brain & look at everything analytically ....... there are so many different styles nowadays, you are bound to find something you like.

    I hadn't owned a swimsuit for years ........ would sit at the pool or beach wearing shorts & a teeshirt ........ but when I began to lose weight, I decided it was time ....... swimsuit shopping was a bit painful, but finally I found a simple, comfortable suit from Lands' End ....... I'm not a bikini person, never was, but I must have looked ok, cuz hubby was thrilled with the results.

    Since then I've lost even more weight & the swimsuit is too big ........ guess what I'll be doing now :laugh:

    Best of luck to you !