Relying on others for motivation/ support

I have wanted to loose weight for awhile now. A few years ago I lost 40 lbs because a friend of mine "forced" me to work out. Now that I don't have that support I can't seem to find personal motivation. I also have a boyfriend who lives far away that I want to look good for but because he isn't here all the time I keep putting it off.
How did you find your personal motivation or find the support and motivation you need from others?

I realize you have to want to change for yourself. I do want that I just can't seem to turn want into action.


  • foodie99
    For me, it's not motivation but accountability. Because my MFP friends can see my food and exercise diary, I feel accountable to log every morsel. Becasue I feel that accountability, I think about each food - is it worth it? am I really hungry or just bored? - before I start eating it. I'm a firm believer in you can eat anything you want, as long as it is in moderation and you know the "cost".
  • sistersuziestaci
    I will do good for a while being accountable to someone else but then I start hiding what I am eating and not logging every thing because I don't want to disappoint the person I am accountable to.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    The only reason I am doing this is me. My improved health and fitness make MY life better. This has nothing to do with anyone else. Yes, I enjoy having real life and on-line friends for sharing information and recipes, but I'm the one at the grocery store deciding what to put in the basket and standing in front of the treadmill deciding whether to hop on. I have to want it for me.