I cheated today

I have been doing great for 10 days, perfect under my calorie goal. But today I had a piece of pizza and a pizza roll from pizza hut along with ranch. I was 400 calories over today. Is this bad?


  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. Just keep it extra clean tomorrow and get right back on track.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    You will be fine. Progress not perfection. You are here, working hard, making progress toward your goal. This extra calorie day will be a tiny blip on your journey. The worst thing you can do is take it as a failure and sabotage your success....I know all about that reaction unfortunately. Leave it behind you and make tomorrow a great day.
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    It's ok. Just get back on track. It happens to all of us. 1 bad day won't ruin the week if you rebound right away to eating good. Consider burning off the extra calories over the following days.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Could be worse, could be one over day in three.

    But it's too early to tell.

    After 100 days, see how many you went over and how much closer to your fitness/health goals you've got. If you're satisfied, great, if not, change something.
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    I went out to the bar after work. Then ate out. 700 calories over yesterday, and today is a new day. All part of the overall plan of enjoying life along the way. Deprivation gets you nowhere. You'll be fine :)
  • xmradio123
    Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. Is it okay to cheat once in a while?
  • dreamer2452
    dreamer2452 Posts: 22 Member
    I have 1 cheat day a week. It helps me indulge a lil and I don't feel deprived
  • Adelaidekempf
    Of cause it is. You are only human and and you have to let go once in a blue moon but just remember not to go crazy. Don't let too many extra kcal enter you plan. Keep it up and have a lovely weekend. :smile:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    It depends on how you did for the rest of the day, and really the rest of the week. If you went under most days throughout the week, then you really would have extra calories to splurge. I, sometimes go under by 100-200 calories, and other days eat all my calories. Also, it's ok to go over and splurge on a meal once in a while, but you really shouldn't go crazy, like 1,000 calories in a meal or something, which is not that hard to do. However....IT HAPPENS. Don't beat yourself up over it. Take it 1 week at a time. Just know that you probably won't gain anything, but you likely won't lose either. Just take it as a lesson learned, and think of how you can do better next time. For instance, you could have started the meal off with a side salad and drank a tall glass of water before your meal, so that your fuller, and won't eat as much. Also, if you're going to go fast food, and know it will be fattening, allow yourself to have the pizza, but nothing extra. Or if you want a cheeseburger from mcdonalds, that's fine, but no fries, or fries, but no cheeseburger, for like a snack. Either way, if you went overboard, don't beat yourself up, like I said. Start fresh tomorrow...it's a new day! :D
  • rustvaar
    rustvaar Posts: 11 Member
    As everyone has said before me; a lapse is a lapse, don't feel bad for it - acknowledge it and move on.
    The best way to "grant yourself a cheat" is to work for it beforehand.

    Every Friday I go to lunch with my workmates and every Friday it's guaranteed we'll be eating somewhere unhealthy. I don't rest on my laurels and accept I'll be eating bad stuff; I work harder in and longer in the gym to accommodate for it. I certainly don't restrict myself or go hungry and I'd hate to wind up becoming anti-social with my workmates so I have to work harder to enjoy what they take for granted.

    If you ever lapse and eat over your limit you need to remember that tomorrow is a new day - you do not starve yourself the next day as "punishment" - keep eating, keep working out, keep your eye on the end goal not the road-bump you just sped over!

    Best of luck :)
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    It's not bad...it's not even ok...it's GOOD! Eating clean and within cals for 10 days and then enjoying a treat is not a failure to many people on here, it's how they stick to their plan long term. If you're like me, if you deny yourself entirely you could be at risk of giving up or going on a major binge. It was actually a eureka moment for me when I realised I could lose weight, make permanent healthy changes and have treats once in a while too!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. Is it okay to cheat once in a while?

    It all depends on you! Just know, that if you have a really bad cheat day, or more than one cheat day in a week, you are not going to lose, for that week. Doesn't necessarily mean you'll gain, either, it depends on how often you cheated, and how badly. Try to use some portion control. We all need to be able to eat the foods we love sometimes, though. If we don't then we'll lose all control when we do finally get to eat them! Remember, this is for forever, not just a few months. So if it's not likely that you can go forever without eating a favorite food of yours, make sure that you include it once in a while.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You are on 1200 calories normally right? If you had only 400 more it is putting you closer to where you should be eating for a 19 year old male.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I don't understand why people call it 'cheating.' Maybe it's an American English thing. It's cheating if you eat 2000 cals but log 1500 and pretend it didn't happen, but that's not what's going on here.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    We call it cheating because it mean's "going out on" "outside the limits of".;...something like that. Not meaning like to cheat at poker or try to trick anyone.

    More in the sense of cheating on a relationship, like going outside the allowed parameters of what we are allowed to indulge in or make part of our routine.
  • shirleycooke35
    We all slip occasionally - log it and carry on!
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. Just keep it extra clean tomorrow and get right back on track.

    Get your sweat on tomorrow!!!!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    You are on 1200 calories normally right? If you had only 400 more it is putting you closer to where you should be eating for a 19 year old male.

    This ^^
  • xmradio123
    Yes, you're right. A "cheat" day was needed to cure my cravings. I call it cheat because you really are cheating yourself from your diet. Not sure why people have to critic me on how I use my words.. oh well
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You ate more because your body needed more. Up your calories so you can lose weight the healthy way my friend :)