What's your weak spot for gaining?



  • devrinator
    devrinator Posts: 79 Member
    Australia sounds really awesome!!
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    My weakness is anything salty... french fries, popcorn, tortilla chips, potato chips. And anything cheesy. Pretty sure I could add some sort of cheese to anything I eat.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    The following are all about equal for me - baked goods, cheese and beer!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Carbs. Bread, pasta, crackers.... But now I've gotten it in check. Finally.
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    I'm not a big sweet eater, partly because I have sensitive teeth, so when I go to the doctor and she asks about my weight, she tells me to avoid the sweets, lay low on indulgences such as ice cream and snack cakes...

    I say, I don't really eat that stuff, and I get a look like, "okay, you're in denial,"

    I definitely, know that feeling! ^^^^ :(

    I rarely eat anything sweet and am not bothered by sweets, cakes or puddings. I also love all my veggies, fruit and all manner of good food. My problem is that I just eat too much of the good stuff!!

    My particular weaknesses include : pasta, freshly baked bread, butter, nuts and crisps (chips to my American friends). Love love love meat too especially crispy skin and crackling.

    So basically all the best stuff but also most calorific!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    One of the reasons I love MFP is because it's not a diet...I'm in complete control...there are no eat this and not that, etc. I have found that weighing and measuring food, counting my calories and macros has helped me learn what a proper portion is...it's helped me learn better nutrition and hitting certain macro goals has made a world of difference in hitting goals (fitness and nutrition) and has vastly improved my blood work.

    Before MFP, my portions were out of control big...my diet was highly processed and very high in sodium (I'm hypertensive so have to watch that) and extremely high in saturated fats and carbohydrates. Before MFP, my carb intake was around 75% of my diet and much of it was refined sugars...not sweets necessarily, but lots of stuff that just had added sugar and white breads, rice, etc and it was sending me into pre-diabetic territory. Since I started managing my macros at 40c/30p/30hf my blood sugar levels have normalized and my cholesterol and triglycerides are normalizing as well.

    The biggest thing MFP has taught me is that these changes have to be forever...not just until I get to a certain weight...they are forever if I want to successfully maintain and live a nice long, healthy life.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I had the same problem as you do, as far as eating way, way too much I would get huge portions, and then go back for more huge portions, but then I got back on mfp and started tracking how much I really should be eating and now 2 and 1/2 weeks later I can't believe I ever ate that much. Just ask yourself before you fix your plate and before you try to get seconds or thirds, do I really need this much and how am I ever going to change if I keep eating like this. I haven't changed what I eat, I just eat less of it, and don't snack as much.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    For me, it's sushi and chineses food. Sushi:3 rolls and all of a sudden I'm at 600+ calories plus the carbs from the rice. The calories ralso add up fast for the Chinese food even when I keep it to mostly vegaterian and a very limited amount of brown rice. Also very high sodium.
  • dreamer2452
    dreamer2452 Posts: 22 Member
    Ooo let me count the ways lol. For me I have huge portions and I have a huge sweet tooth. I love candy and I work at a drug store so it's easy for me to get.
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    Carbs...something about them make me feel bubbly. I love pizza, chips and fried rice. I have a tendency of eating them way too much -__-
    I'm not much of a candy fan. I really don't care for sweets.
  • devrinator
    devrinator Posts: 79 Member
    One of the reasons I love MFP is because it's not a diet...I'm in complete control...there are no eat this and not that, etc. I have found that weighing and measuring food, counting my calories and macros has helped me learn what a proper portion is...it's helped me learn better nutrition and hitting certain macro goals has made a world of difference in hitting goals (fitness and nutrition) and has vastly improved my blood work.

    Yes!! I totally agree. We are in control of what we eat and are given authority to see it on our own.
  • clhous03
    Pasta and potatoes (I'm seeing a theme among us here). Those became especially difficult once I switched to a vegetarian diet. Go to any restaurant and look at their vegetarian options: pasta, pasta, and more pasta. And potatoes in any form just call to me.

    The hardest thing for me, though, is that I work in a crisis office at a domestic violence shelter, and we get a lot of food donations. We get so much of certain things that extras (way beyond the amount our clients will eat) are always sent up to the crisis office because we're the only staff there 24 hours a day. So every day when I come into work, there are boxes of Panera bread pastries, donuts, Hostess snack cakes, muffins and endless amounts more like that. I finally had to ask my co-workers to start putting that stuff in a cabinet so I won't see it. So far, everyone's been pretty helpful.