3 x 2 hour workout versus 6 x 1 hour workout ?

Any of you fitness experts give me some advice on this ? I am planning doing body pump DVD 3 times a week , and 3 cardio workouts either running , cycling or body step . Would I be best 2 do both the pump and cardio at the same time giving me 48 hours for my muscles to recover or do body step 1 day and cardio the next ? :)
Betty x


  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I prefer 6 days a week. I like to get the blood flowing constantly and I don't find that working out more than an hour is all that effective anyway.
  • bbooop
    bbooop Posts: 20
    thankyou , Iv got to agree with you as I really dont fancy doing anymore than 1 hour at a time lol . Just thought the cardio training next day may affect the muscles when they are recovering from weight training in body pump ?
    Betty x
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I find doing weights one day, cardio the next , continuing for the week is working for me. So three days walking and three day strength . I really can only fit in 30 mins most days.
  • bbooop
    bbooop Posts: 20
    I have let all my exercise slip drastically and am absolutely dreading getting started again auch lol . great feeling when you're fitness levels are back up there again . I cycled 63 miles in 1 day last summer and I would struggle to do a couple of miles now . hopefully wont take 2 long 2 build it up again once I get started lol
    Betty x
  • hoosierlad
    hoosierlad Posts: 69 Member
    Somewhat depends on your schedule. If you have time each day, you might dedicate a little more time to both if you separate them? Also, might be more of a daily picker-upper. However, I don't think combining them is bad, if needed to do it based on available time. Maybe combine them, and if on off days you have time, do some cardio...I personally think cardio is something you can do more often, unless you body / energy levels are telling you to take a break.