What happens after 21 days....

I'm 25 days closer to a healthier me and I went without fast food, soda, candy or anything deemed unhealthy until my recent set back. Where do you go from there? Does it mean all my recent work was in vain or do I just continue on in the right direction and do better as I continue on this journey to a healthier, better me.

All advice & new MFP pals welcomed


  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Easy answer

    CONTINUE forward
    Can't change yesterday, can only learn from it
    ONWARD!! no looking back
  • Everyone has set backs! Don't let it get you down!! Just take it one day at a time! If you do bad one day then do super great the next!! You know what I do to keep me honest!! And it works for me!! I lost 106lbs doing this! I weigh-in on Monday's! After I weigh-in I make Monday my "cheat" day! Anything that I have been craving all week I'll have on Monday! I don't go overboard or anything! Like if I want a candybar or some soda or something I wait and I'll have it Monday. Then I have 6 more days before my next weigh-in to burn the calories. This helps me to stay on track and everything. Just a thought! Good luck!
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Easy answer

    CONTINUE forward
    Can't change yesterday, can only learn from it
    ONWARD!! no looking back

    This ^^^
  • allenhandley
    allenhandley Posts: 134 Member
    Easy answer

    CONTINUE forward
    Can't change yesterday, can only learn from it
    ONWARD!! no looking back

    What she said. Everyone has rough times now and then. Don't beat yourself up. Keep your motivation up and move on learning from past difficulties.

    Keep going.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    just keep going. there's no point in thinking about what you ate yesterday, or even earlier today. you can't change it. you can change how you eat tomorrow, so focus on that. we're all only human (that i know of), and everyone makes mistakes.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'm 25 days closer to a healthier me and I went without fast food, soda, candy or anything deemed unhealthy until my recent set back. Where do you go from there? Does it mean all my recent work was in vain or do I just continue on in the right direction and do better as I continue on this journey to a healthier, better me.

    All advice & new MFP pals welcomed

    You have to resume. The past is (with apologies to Faulkner) past. Ultimately, your success will be determined by the weight loss you experience and, most important, maintain.

    I have this problem mainly with rigorous, structured exercising. Even though I'd have liked to have been completely consistent, I have benefited from even short phases of exercise. (I'm not talking about general activity, I'm always active unless I have an injury.) I've also learned things about exercises, equipment, and my own body each time. So it hasn't been a complete waste.
  • This advice is great!! Knowing you are going to have your craving soon, must help with saying no at other times!!

    knowing others do this with success encourages me to do it also!! Thanks!! :flowerforyou:
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    Jump right back on the wagon. I just had a fortune cookie that said "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."
  • are you really asking if you should continue on the right track??
  • Easy answer

    CONTINUE forward
    Can't change yesterday, can only learn from it
    ONWARD!! no looking back

    ^^^ What she said.

    Trust me, we all do it. The only ones who succeed, are the ones that don't let it derail them. Keep going!
  • victoria090
    victoria090 Posts: 82 Member
    if I have a crappy day or two food wise - I make up for it on the treadmill. An extra 20-30mins at a high intensity and BAM back on track
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    Don't try to completely cut out all of the "unhealthy" foods you like. I lost weight and still en joyed ice cream, pizza, and beer. Its all about moderation! If you deprive yourself completely you eventually fold.

    2 good threads~~~~

  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    Keep going! I was off track for 5 months not just a day or two! I'm back now though and feeling geat. Just get back on track and keep going.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't think of food in terms of good or bad...I make more nutritious decisions 80-90% of the time and I have my indulgences and I've lost 20 Lbs in the last 3 months. If I eat it, I log it...I have calorie goals and macro goals...I usually hit them...if I don't, I learn from that and move on.
  • ladywendolyn
    ladywendolyn Posts: 45 Member
    Don't build a belief system based on perfectionism. Give yourself room to be imperfect... in fact sometimes, the more rigid the control, the greater the fall when it is too hard to keep up. Build in foods that you like into your daily calories (like chocolate) and this will keep them from being all powerful and something you have to "cheat" to eat.
  • You get back into eating healthy and get a couple of Sweatin' To The Oldies videos and dance! :smile: Hey it happens, just don't let a few mistakes stop you, good luck!
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    My diet and exercise certainly were far from perfect before. I am not looking to be "perfect". If I have a bad day and get right back at it the next, to me I am nearly perfect and much better then before. I think perfect is too much pressure. I am thrilled to be nearly perfect, excited to be pretty good and frankly just happy to be better then I was before.
  • Dont feel so bad about the slip up, it happens to the best of us. Just last Saturday i pigged out on double stuff oreos and taco salad. You just gota keep going with your work out plan and try to be stronger next time your tempted to stray off.:) It is ok to have a treat every once in a while ( try not to go overboard).
  • Anmariee
    Anmariee Posts: 31 Member
    are you really asking if you should continue on the right track??

    The question is am I going about it the wrong way...do I revamp my plan because it's not working?
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    Someone in another forum once said something that made so much sense to me. They said: No one ever drops their cell phone and then says, "Well, I dropped my phone, I might as well kick it the rest of the way down the street"

    It's the same thing with dieting. One bad day does not determine the outcome of your weight loss journey. The only suggestion I have as far as changing your plan is to stop denying yourself things. This has always led to binges for me. I just bought four boxes of girl scout cookies and I plan on eating every single one, but now I won't eat them all in one sitting. I will work them into my daily calories. Two samoas is a few laps around the park, etc. If you want a burger and fries, then stay fifty calories under each day for the rest of the week.

    Never beat yourself up for being a fallible human being. If you are starving on 1200 calories and have your settings set to losing 2 pounds a week., think about changing your goal to 1.5 pounds a week and you will get a couple hundred extra calories or get a pedometer and track your steps, keep building them up till your taking 10,000 steps a day, that adds A LOT of calories.

    Just remember that it isn't easy and you shouldn't expect to lose tons of weight in a short amount of time. Hope this helps.