Weighed myself for the first time in a year...and here I am

Hi there everyone! My name is Katelyn and I'm 25. I'm 5'5" and hadn't weighed myself since before my wedding in late 2011. A couple days ago I got on the scale and was over 200lbs (210 to be exact). That's the heaviest I've ever been and it encouraged me to start doing all of the stuff I know I need to do to get in shape. I quit smoking 4 months ago and am finding it much easier to work out than it used to be. I'm a bit of a video game nerd (my husband and I met playing WoW in 2005) and love Zumba Rush for Xbox Kinect, and combine that with push ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and various resistance band exercises.

My husband and I are both Gluten Free (He has celiac disease, and I don't want to have to cook separate meals so I am too! :P) and we're both in school full time. I make a lot of crock pot meals, and cook 95% of what we eat from scratch, mostly with ingredients from Costco, and local produce from our neighborhood market. If anyone else is GF or around my age and weight, I'd love for us to encourage each other.


  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm GF and 5'5" but am now down to 112lbs, having lost approx 50 lbs. Recently diagnosed celiac (2 yrs GF). Add me if you want xx
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    Good luck, Katelyn and good on you for not employing the 'head-in-the-sand' approach like I did for an extra 100lbs :P Sounds like you know how to go about this so you're off to a good start. My biggest suggestion after a few months on MFP is to do a search for "BMR" and "TDEE" and find out really specifically what your daily calorie goal should be. You'll probably find it's higher than you think but it's important not to start of starving yourself. If you calculate your BMR using the Katch-McArdle method you should be able to figure out your daily goal (TDEE minus 15%) pretty easily.

    Other than that, keep up the exercise, keep hydrated and keep logging! It's not a speedy process but it bloody works!!
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    I'm not gluten-free but I'm 23, 5'5 and 200 pounds. I started here in mid october at 242lbs. Feel free to add me :)
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    Good Luck on your journey!! Congrats on the quitting smoking, that's is HUGE!!!!
    MFP ROCKS, we are here for ya!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Celiac here. Gluten free over two years.

    Congratulations on stopping smoking! That will make you feel so much better! Saves lots of money too. I knew a guy, couldn't afford a car when he was smoking. Quit, and after a year he was driving around in his car (not a new one)!
  • Anthony110101111110001101
    Good luck, welcome aboard, hope your journey is smooth sailing.
  • Swany2
    Swany2 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Katelyn,

    Welcome to mfp, I'm new to the site myself, only joining this month but I have to say so far its keeping me motivated. I love the way you can track your food and exercise and it tells you on a daily basis what you will be in 5 weeks if you keep it up. Here's hoping.

    I also hadn't been on the scales for awhile (they broke) and I think i was ignoring the fact that my clothes were getting tighter. Well imagine my horror when i went for a visit to the nurse and she weighed me. I nearly fell off the scales in shock. I weighed 220lbs (100.9kgs), Needless to say, I found this site the next day.

    I want to lose 30 kg, definetly 20 as i know I was more comfortable with myself then.

    I've given myself until the end of november to do it and have set minor goals along the way, so here's to this year, losing weight and generally being healthy.

    My work colleague also has coeliacs disease, so I know how hard it can be diet wise.

    Feel free to add me and we can support each other (i think it goes along way to helping) xx
  • katelynbronson
    Thanks so much for your responses everyone! I've told my husband before that I know my body doesn't want to be heavy because as soon as I start putting effort into exercising and making healthy food choices the pounds fall off me.
    Swany2 I can definitely relate to the tighter clothes indicating needing to get my weight back in check. I ripped the thighs on 2 of my pairs of jeans in the same day and that's what made me realize I should probably get on a scale and see what I was dealing with. I'm really glad I found this site/app because it's been a great tool for me so far. And I love that you can calculate recipes with it (and that the GF flour mix I use [Better Batter] was already in it. That made it really easy to start saving a lot of the recipes I make regularly.

    I appreciate all of the encouragement so far!