What keeps you going?

kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Maybe this should have been posted on the Motivation Board but this is the only category I really look at. Here goes:

What keeps YOU going? I seem to have lost my mojo. I have two kids, live in a new city and am moving into our house this weekend. I'm busy and just feel so blah! Saturday night in the Moonlight Run 6k and I'm not looking forward to it at all, and I should be! Its my first fun run! I've barely had time to get in the small amount of training that I've done in the last three weeks since we got here.

BLAH! I need some tips to keep my spirits up!


  • Well I haven't been training for a run or anything, but I am losing weight for myself and my husband. I know when he gets home from Afghanistan he is gonna be skinny and in great shape. I don't want to look the same after he comes home so different.

    Everytime I think about skipping the gym I think about him and how proud and surprised he's gonne be when he gets back. Even If I slip and eat something bad I still know that the gym is there and I'll do better tomorrow.
  • Mine is very similar to Jordan. My husband is getting ready to leave for Afghanistan, so I'm starting now just to get a head start. I wanna be the size 6 I was when we met, so I have a pair of jeans from 3 years ago and I look at them everyday as my motivator. When he steps off that bus, I want him to have to take a double take. :)
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    I am just 2 years away from the age my mom was when she had her first heart attack(she was 42). I was 9 years old and I still remember seeing the paramedics loading her into the ambulance. She had one more in the hospital. She actually "died" twice during this time. I don't want my children to ever have to go through that.
  • jayme03
    jayme03 Posts: 64 Member
    Okay so my reasoning isn't nearly as significant or meaningful as the rest of you, but my jeans are getting loose and I'm losing cellulite!!

    Oh and by the way, you are all motivation...this is a great thread ;)
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I only have one motivating factor....my job. I HATE IT! I want to leave so badly. BUT..I dont want to get another job doing the same thing. I want to lose weight, bulk up and get my certification as a personal trainer. That is it. No more, no less.
  • hopela
    hopela Posts: 17
    I hate exercising. A lot. But I love walking home from the gym, still flushed, happy I was able to push myself through that last mile! So basically, the good feeling I have AFTER I exercise it what keeps me going.
  • For me the thing that keeps me going is my sucess. I honestly never thought id lose this much in such a short time. My motivations is that when I reach my goal or excede it by June 1st I'm going on a BIG! shopping spree. I can't wait to buy summer clothes! It may not be as inspiring as some of these people but its sure keeping me on track LOL
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    For me it's my health. I am a pretty bad asthmatic who is on steriods. They weight from the setroids makes it difficult to breathe which leads to more steroids. ARGH!!!! :mad:

    I remember when I used to be more fit that I didn't need my meds as often.

    I also want to be a good role model for my kids. One of them had asthma, too.

    Looking hot is not a bad one either!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Two things have kept me going so far:

    1) I need to fit into my pants! If I gain even a little weight, my 18 sized pants won't fit me anymore. I gained some birthday weight, and then only 1 pair of pants fit me, and I refuse to put on my size 20 pants!! (I should toss them ...right... NOW!!! Actually... I'll see if my mom wants them first... :laugh: [Why won't she diet with me already???]). Either way, I need to fit into the clothes in my drawer, (and the size 16 pants that are waiting for me).

    2) When I was in university (winter 2007), I had a night class, and I was eating fairly healthy and jogging consistently on my treadmill. Well, at one of those night classes, my mind was CLEAR!! I didn't know my mind was foggy until that moment. I'm trying to get that moment back, cause it was the most amazing feeling in the world! :love:
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I hate exercising. A lot. But I love walking home from the gym, still flushed, happy I was able to push myself through that last mile! So basically, the good feeling I have AFTER I exercise it what keeps me going.

    Thats a good one!

    For some reason I feel sexy when I run, I have no idea why but I do. I think I need to reconnect with that feeling!
  • For me, I pole dance and I want to climb to the top of the pole desperately. There are girls in my pole dance class that just scamper on up there while I just make it half way and it kills me! Everytime I don't want to do anything else, I can't do another push-up or tricep dip, anything like that, I just think of being able to get to the top and tapping the upper base, keeps me going everytime.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    My husband and I want to start our family next year and I don't want all the complications of being overweight and pregnant. Everything I think of giving up, I picture myself pregnant or holding our baby. After 10 years of diets and failure, that's the only thing that have been able to keep me going.
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