question about soreness

adriennetara Posts: 14
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I am just starting my weightloss journey, and I've started using My Biggest Loser on the Wii, and my legs are very sore. My question is, Do I do my scheduled workout for today even though I'm sore? Sorry if this seems like a silly question, but I honestly don't know.


  • i would do every other day at first. You may to a light workout today, but to be honest, your legs are going to be sore for a few days. they will hurt tomorrow too. So you just have to fight through the pain. But taking a multivitamin, drinking lots of water, and even a protein shake after your workout with help muscles recover faster. Plus advil works nice.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    when I am sore I do the stretching portion of one of my videos. I use slim in 6 and they have a 20 min stretch. You can set one up on Wii too.............make sure to hold each stretch for 15 seconds, that is what is good about a vid or Wii they keep you in the pose for long enough to make a difference.

    Sometimes if I do this in the morning, I can work out in the eveneing.

    Good luck!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Make sure you do lots of stretching. Usually their stretch at the end isn't enough. Do more on your own. But I would have to agree advil goes a long way. I take advil before I usually start running on the tredmil. Try every other day or do something moderate on your off days like just going for a walk or something.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Stretch today and go low impact. Eat a banana - the potassium will help to alleviate some of the soreness and you'll also want to make sure to drink lots and lots of water today... it will help as well. And the above poster is right - you'll be sore tomorrow too - and perhaps more than today - the 2nd day is always the worst for me... but stretching will help.
  • Thank you guys so much! I'll try the advil and stretching :D
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I get this a lot when working with athletes as part of my job. If your legs are sore, stick with an upper body routine or an ab routine. Or, if you can do some light cardio and upper body that would be great too. I don't advocate working out hard 7 days a week, but instead of having an "off day" or not working out because of muscle soreness, you should do something that keeps you moving, but isn't necessarily strenuous on your body.
    Women genarally tend to shy away from upper body workouts, but they are very important. I would suggest trying an upper body workout and alternate the days. If you are sore tomorrow, take a day off or just go for a walk and enjoy the spring weather. The most important thing is to keep moving! Even though you are sore, you are helping your body recover. Drink lots of water as well! Good luck!
  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    light exercise isnt a bad idea. it will help get extra blood and oxygen flowing to the muscles which will help ease the soreness and aid in recovery. definitely dont go crazy, but you might find that doing something light and simple could help make you feel better.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    If you feel up to, go ahead and do what you can tolerate. The damage has been done and doing more might stretch out the full recovery a few days, but, unless you do crazy, won't make it significantly worse.

    Doing activity or stretching will provide temporary palliative relief--it won't speed up the recovery process. There is no reason not to do these things, just don't expect anything but temporary relief.

    IMO, most of the JM videos are poor starter routines (actually I think they are mediocre in general, but esp for beginners). There is no reason to hurt that much after a workout.
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