How long untill you saw results?



  • Audities
    It really depends on how much weight you have to lose. I've lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks and 2.5 inches off my bustline, 2 inches off my waist. However, I am about double what I want to weigh. With people who have less to lose, it's going to be slower.
  • takaiisan
    takaiisan Posts: 16 Member
    I posted on saturday saying after three weeks i'd only had 2kg loss.. and then tuesday i got weighed at the gym to find i'd lost 5kg, which brings total weight loss in one month to 15lbs or 1st 1... but it took the whole month to see any real result.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I noticed my hoodies being looser about 8 weeks into weight loss - other people started noticing about 4 months or so in.

    took about a year for me to start getting the - 'holy crap you have lost so much weight' comments
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    I lost 13 pounds, and I don't notice. I can see it in my face in side by side pictures, but that's it. I'm sure after 15 more pounds I'll be able to see a difference, and possibly go down a size.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    Ok, so I have been netting about 1200-1300 a day (with the exception of a couple cheat days) and doing cardio everyday now for about 2 weeks. Unfrortunately i havent really seen a change in my weight or shape!! So when did you first notice changes?? or what can i do to see them faster?


    Try not to focus so much on the time frame, but on the fact that you are making lifestyle changes. Being consistant is key!!! Also, I would recommend that you take at least one rest day a week from doing any exercise as your body needs time to heal.

    Take a look at the below link as it has helpful information!
  • jg6511
    jg6511 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for posting this. I haven't seen any results. In fact I've gained a lb rather than lost any. Frustrated.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    What kind of results are you looking for? Are you hoping to see a physical change? Movement on the scale? How long it takes to "see" results depends on what kind of results you're looking for.

    Patience is your friend. Give it 4-6 weeks (at least) of consistently measuring & logging your food and exercise. Log your cheat days or cheat meals or whatever-just cause you don't log it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Depending on how much you are going over on your cheat days, you could be undoing whatever you've done the rest of the week (or however often you're having cheat days). So seriously give it 4-6 weeks (at least) of logging accurately (by measuring/weighing food) and consistently and see where you are then.

    If you're looking for physical changes, you really need a patience pill. That could be awhile (like months).
  • EvilShenanigansTX
    EvilShenanigansTX Posts: 143 Member
    I do not FEEL all that different, but all my pants are very loose and I had to buy a smaller belt for my work pants. Also, I measure and I have lost inches. I can see some changes - more muscle definition in my abs and thighs, my bingo wings (upper arms for those of you not from the South) are smaller. I suspect I will really start to feel it about 30 pounds in. At least, that is how it has worked for me in the past.

    Just keep at it! No excuses. :)
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Ok, so I have been netting about 1200-1300 a day (with the exception of a couple cheat days) and doing cardio everyday now for about 2 weeks. Unfrortunately i havent really seen a change in my weight or shape!! So when did you first notice changes?? or what can i do to see them faster?

    if you just started you work out it can be constipation. have you been going normally lately? if it's that or water retention then the answer is drink more water, chug that stuff.

    If you work out with out without drinking enough your body will pull water from where ever it can get it (like your poo) causing it to build up and get hard. also too much salt or electrolytes from sports drinks will cause your body to hold water, so you need to drink more water to flush them out. This is why sports drinks are BAD, use water only.

    Please, tell me more.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Ok, so I have been netting about 1200-1300 a day (with the exception of a couple cheat days) and doing cardio everyday now for about 2 weeks. Unfrortunately i havent really seen a change in my weight or shape!! So when did you first notice changes?? or what can i do to see them faster?

    if you just started you work out it can be constipation. have you been going normally lately? if it's that or water retention then the answer is drink more water, chug that stuff.

    If you work out with out without drinking enough your body will pull water from where ever it can get it (like your poo) causing it to build up and get hard. also too much salt or electrolytes from sports drinks will cause your body to hold water, so you need to drink more water to flush them out. This is why sports drinks are BAD, use water only.

    Please, tell me more.

    You're really pretty
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    if you just started you work out it can be constipation. have you been going normally lately? if it's that or water retention then the answer is drink more water, chug that stuff.

    If you work out with out without drinking enough your body will pull water from where ever it can get it (like your poo) causing it to build up and get hard. also too much salt or electrolytes from sports drinks will cause your body to hold water, so you need to drink more water to flush them out. This is why sports drinks are BAD, use water only.

    That's a whole load of crap.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Ok, so I have been netting about 1200-1300 a day (with the exception of a couple cheat days) and doing cardio everyday now for about 2 weeks. Unfrortunately i havent really seen a change in my weight or shape!! So when did you first notice changes?? or what can i do to see them faster?

    if you just started you work out it can be constipation. have you been going normally lately? if it's that or water retention then the answer is drink more water, chug that stuff.

    If you work out with out without drinking enough your body will pull water from where ever it can get it (like your poo) causing it to build up and get hard. also too much salt or electrolytes from sports drinks will cause your body to hold water, so you need to drink more water to flush them out. This is why sports drinks are BAD, use water only.

    Please, tell me more.

    Yes, please. This is fascinating.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Ok, so I have been netting about 1200-1300 a day (with the exception of a couple cheat days) and doing cardio everyday now for about 2 weeks. Unfrortunately i havent really seen a change in my weight or shape!! So when did you first notice changes?? or what can i do to see them faster?

    if you just started you work out it can be constipation. have you been going normally lately? if it's that or water retention then the answer is drink more water, chug that stuff.

    If you work out with out without drinking enough your body will pull water from where ever it can get it (like your poo) causing it to build up and get hard. also too much salt or electrolytes from sports drinks will cause your body to hold water, so you need to drink more water to flush them out. This is why sports drinks are BAD, use water only.

    Please, tell me more.

    You're really pretty

    Aw Jacwhite22, you're really pretty too!
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    Week 3, 5 lbs down, I can see it in my face. I'm also getting more muscular and can see well defined collarbones.
  • NakedLunchTime
    It really depends on the person. Just exercise regularly and eat a well balanced diet! You can do it. Just stay as consistent as possible :)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Are you logging your cheat days?
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I thought I looked better in the mirror at the gym yesterday not as podgy. Measured last night to discover I lost 12 inches round the waist and thighs.

    When I first started the BFL challenge two years back I wasnt seeing any change but I hung in there when week 7-8 swung around I saw a massive change which I since found out is common.
  • kariplease
    when I first started right after Christmas time I didn't lose any weight until 3rd week like 2 lbs, then 4th week, i lost 1.2, and this past week when I weighed in, I lost 4.8 lbs. It looks like it took my body about a month to adjust to the diet and working out plan.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    It takes a while. Lots of good advice in this thread - water, rest your body,keep trying,measure your self (I did every 2 weeks) and keep track as well as weighing. Good LUck.