Polar FT4 or FT7



  • F1uffy123
    F1uffy123 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for everyone's replies - and to OP for putting this up originally! Silly question, but can the heart rate alarm be turned off? I'm still pretty unfit and think I'd be really embarrassed if an alarm blared at me everytime my HR went over the "limit" whilst on the treadmill or something!!

    Yes with the FT7 you can turn the HR zone alarm off

    Can't comment on the FT4
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    Thanks for everyone's replies - and to OP for putting this up originally! Silly question, but can the heart rate alarm be turned off? I'm still pretty unfit and think I'd be really embarrassed if an alarm blared at me everytime my HR went over the "limit" whilst on the treadmill or something!!

    Yes, the ft4 can be silenced
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    The Ft7.. holds more files, it tells you when you are in fat burning zone vs fitness zone and with an optional cable you can upload files to the polar website.

    On the FT7 so you can silence it..not sure about the Ft4 though.
  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Thanks for everyone's replies and to the OP for asking this! I need to replace the one I have currently.

    The FT4 sounds like a winner.
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    I just went through the same debate with myself. I opted for the FT4 and it is in the mail as we speak! I got the Bronze one and can't wait to test it out! :smile:
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks for so many replies - one more question I just thought of - I personally want a HRM to use when weight lifting and when in the gym - are either the FT4 or FT7 compatible with gym equipment? I've heard of some HRMs interfered by the machines and not working properly?
  • BecomingElle
    BecomingElle Posts: 112 Member
    Ordered the women's pink/purple FT4 last week and cannot wait for it to arrive!

    It'll be my first HRM and I chose it for it's price and quality...a read a LOT or reviews that recommended the Polar brand for calorie-accuracy (and I honestly love the look of it, not gonna lie).

    I didn't see the point in getting the FT7 as the only major differences were that it stored more workouts (not important to me) and you could upload the data to your computer or online or something (a feature I would never realistically use - and could probably do myself).

    I have heard that both Polars connect to machine equipment but I'm not quote sure :)
  • BigG1978
    BigG1978 Posts: 54 Member
    I just got myself an RS100 after looking through all of the variants and have to say I'm happy with it.

    Only used it a couple of times but it really does focus you to train within the boundaries depending on what you want to get from your sessions. I'm looking to burn excess fat at the moment and then start the push for real fitness gains, previously without one I would have just gone hell for leather at running and cycling but with this bit of kit I can ensure I am working at the required level - which is at an easier pace than I imagined at the mo!

    Anyhow, great addiiton to anyone wanting to shed pounds or get fitter - well worth the investment.

    Hope this helps (one way or the other!!)
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    Thanks for so many replies - one more question I just thought of - I personally want a HRM to use when weight lifting and when in the gym - are either the FT4 or FT7 compatible with gym equipment? I've heard of some HRMs interfered by the machines and not working properly?

    They oth are compatible with equipment set to read hrm's but using while fitting is not going to give your accurate account for calories counting wise. They are meant to be worn during aerobic activity and not lifting.
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    I have an FT4. Audible alarms for low or high heart rates are user configurable. Turn off or on at your pleasure.

    FT4 also tells you summary data about time "in zone" like a previous poster mentioned for the FT7.

    Another feature I haven't heard others describe and which is present on both models is an automated "night light." I frequently walk or run in the dark. When I start the HRM at the beginning of my exercise, I immediately press the upper left button. This briefly lights the display and set the automatic light to "on". Pressing other buttons during the same session then will not only perform the button's function, but will also briefly activate the light so that you can read the display in the dark. The light always turns off automatically after a couple of seconds if you are not pressing buttons.

    One more feature you can turn on that's kind of cool... when you're moving fast or wearing cold weather gear or the like, pushing little buttons can be difficult. There is an option called "HeartTouch." When turned on, if you lift your wrist wearing the training computer up near the transmitter unit on the chest strap, the watch display shows the time and then whichever training data display you last viewed. If you've already set the light to come on as I described above, the display will also automatically light briefly. The only thing that I do NOT like about this feature is that it will only show you 2 screens, and then returns to the default last used data screen. One of the two things displayed is ALWAYS the current time. You cannot set it up to automatically show you, for instance, the calorie burn total screen and the current heart BPM/% Max screen. The plain TOD screen will always be one of the 2 displays, and the second will just be whichever screen you last viewed.

    I like mine quite well, but be aware that it does not come with a full user manual. You will need to go view/download the complete PDF file manual from the Polar site to get info on all of the settings and displays.
  • K398
    K398 Posts: 13 Member
    JM2C if you like. My wife and I both have FT4's. I've had mine for about 3.5 years, she's had hers about a year. Her's has not had a lot of use, but she got her's based on my experience with mine and other brands. Mine has been used very hard. I've had to change the battery in the watch and the band sensor transmitter each once. You are very wise to chose one of these two models just for the fact that you can change your own battery; not all Polar models allow you to do this.

    I have worn out one sensor soft strap at about 2.5 years. They can be found for less than $20; I think I paid $14 for mine. The watch and the sensor transmitter have been sweated on and beat up pretty good, but still work great. The products are pretty robust and tough; they last a long time. Like many have said, I do not use a lot of the features on the watch. I mainly use it to track my calories for my workout and to check on my heart rate. It seems to be very accurate when used properly and the correct information is kept in the settings.

    The other good thing is that Polar has been around for a long time is quite popular. Because of that, a lot of exercise machines are designed to work with the Polar sensors. For instance, I have a Concept 2 rower with a control head that reads directly from my sensor.

    I do have a few minor complaints about the watch that do not matter all that much. I like to use gloves when I work out; in particular Mechanics Original gloves. They have a rubberized Velcro strap that often hits the button on my watch when I flex my wrists during push-ups, etc. This just changes the display, but it can be a little annoying.

    Also, the watch face is a little antiquated and the back-light is pretty useless.

    The buttons are very small and a little clumsy. You have to press them pretty hard to move through the menus. That brings me to my biggest complaint. IMO it is very cumbersome to navigate through the menu; it is not very intuitive or user friendly. Again, if you only use a few of the features it is not a big deal, but if you decide you want to use one of the other features that you normally don't, it can take me a good 3-5 minutes to figure out where in the heck the setting is!

    All in all, I think the FT4 is a pretty good bang for the buck when you consider features and durability; and Polar seems to be a pretty good bargain when compared to other brands.
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    Me = pink FT4 - does all that I need it to. Functions great. GIves me calories burned, heart rate and time when you're in your target heart rate. Saves workouts for recall later when you do multiple workouts a day for MFP logging. Basic model that does all that I want it to do! :)

    GOod luck - you won't look back. A HRM is an essential piece of workout equipment!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    7!! I wondered the same but the sole purpose of me using mine is to see if I am in fitness zone, (the zone to burn max) The 4 doesn't tell you. It has changed my progress in a great way! gl
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I've had the FT7 for over a year and use it with every workout! I remember comparing it to the FT4 and as I recall the reason that I went with the FT7 is that I found it on Amazon for not much more than I was finding the FT4 and thought it was worth the difference. If there had been more of a price difference, I probably would have bought the FT4 and been happy.
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I have the FT7, black and gold one.

    I love it!

    I bought it 2 years ago and its still going strong.

    What I love about it;

    It has user changeable batteries which is quite rare with Polar, most have to be sent back to do this. Ive only just had to change the batteries in the heart monitor and watch and it cost me £4!

    The heart strap is very comfortable, adjustable and easy to clean (the heart reciever pops off for a better clean to the strap).

    I dont feel the strap under my sports bra when its on and im working out.

    Interface and options are so easy to use.

    Once set up, litterally 1 button to start / stop work out.

    Keeps an internal record of all of your workouts giving daily/weekly totals.

    Clear visual display of 'fat burn' and 'fitness' HR zones.

    HR alarm if your HR drops too low or goes to high.

    Can wear it swimming (just dont push the buttons while under water)

    Hope this helps but happy to answer any other questions

    I have the ft4 and all this is true for me also. Save the cash and get the 4

  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    Neither. I have found the Polars to be cheaply built and the comms between the HRM inconsistent. I recommend the timex ironman triathalon HRM (M811). About the same price as the FT7 but much better made. BTW...I have the FT7 and was totally unimpressed with it...replaced it with the timex. For running, I use a Garmin Forerunner 910xt. When indoors (treadmill) it links with a foot pod (that I calibrated outdoors using gps) and HRM. Although expensive, this is a very good unit and it also can be used in the pool to track laps (which I also use it for).
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    i have an ft4..because I didn't care about uploading.... i didn't even know a 4 would interface. and alarms? i didn't know mine has alarms. i just turn it on an dgo...
  • K398
    K398 Posts: 13 Member
    7!! I wondered the same but the sole purpose of me using mine is to see if I am in fitness zone, (the zone to burn max) The 4 doesn't tell you. It has changed my progress in a great way! gl

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean, but my FT4 shows your target zone and also beeps if you fall below it. You can also vary the target zone manually if you choose.
  • Haikugurl
    Haikugurl Posts: 31 Member
    I'm trying to figure out what to get too. Debating between Polar and Garmin. Found this link on the Polar site that lets you compare Polar models: http://www.polarusa.com/us-en/products/compare?product1=23349