Staggering Calories?

Hey there, guys! I've been here for about three weeks now, and things are going pretty well so far. At first I was trying out 1,200 calories per day, but I felt pretty hungry. So I lowered my goal to 1 pound a week (instead of 2) and came up with 1,350 calories instead. This, in addition to the days I do 1/2 an hour of bootcamp (HIIT which involves both strength/cardio and burns about 600 cals per hour) usually gives me an additional 300 cals per day that I go - I go Mon-Fri. I don't do a whole lot of exercise on the weekends, though.

Anyways - I'm finding that I am probably losing about 1/2 a pound to 1 pound per week this way, it isn't too bad in way of hunger (and I love to eat) so it's pretty comfortable. But there are days where I just want to treat myself. Like last week, I went out for all you can eat ribs - I was surprised that I definitely can't stuff the food in there like I used to (I only ate just over half a rack! Plus some roasted potatoes, coleslaw, and a few dinner rolls...) but it was a high calorie day, regardless - about 2,800 calories, and I noticed that I lost MORE weight that week than usual. It didn't make much sense to me.

I heard that having a regular low amount of calories all week, and one day of high calories, helps you lose weight a lot faster. Which is very odd. I guess it keeps your body in check. It's so used to a certain amount of calories, but then all of a sudden you throw it a curve ball and this keeps your body on it's toes. Staggering calories - has it worked for you guys, do you have any opinions on it? If you stagger calories, what's your week/month usually like in that sense?

If it helps, you may look at my diary. :) I'm always open to criticism!
I'm looking for more friends, too. :)


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    It's all about personal preference. It won't make you lose weight any faster but if you prefer to stay 100 calories under everyday and then have a day where you eat an extra 600 (or something to that effect), go ahead.
  • mkookies
    mkookies Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks. :) Well, I was definitely looking for other people's experience with it.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    There are loads of threads on this if you run a search, use search terms like zig zagging and cheat days.
  • _namaste_
    _namaste_ Posts: 246
    I have been zig zagging my calories which has allowed me higher days and lower days. I work out more on my lower days to allow myself extra calories (I eat most or all of them back).

    I was more or less plateauing for the last couple of months and since starting the calorie zigzagging 3 weeks ago I have lost nearly 4lbs! This is saying a lot because I am already at / close to my goal weight. :) It is REALLY working for me. I am hoping that in conjunction with high protein that the calorie zig zagging may help me to lose more fat and maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible.
  • i was wondering the same thing... i am at the 1200 calorie level and some days come in under it and reallly struggled my 2nd and 3rd week of weight loss. i asked a fitness friend and she said to have one day where calories are higher to confuse your body a little. she said the body will get used to the 1200 intake and just plateau. so i have done that. it worked this week. :)
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    You would be more successful if you burnt 300 calories a day because that would get your metabolism racing. This is more effective that trying to stoke your metabolism by eating more.

    1 hour cardio a day will be better for your weight loss than eating more.
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    I would say plan your "splurge" days. When you have them scheduled you can work and plan around them. I have had some trouble with binge eating in the past, but I don't schedule mine- I have a MFP freind on my profile who has lost over a 134 pounds despite her binge eating addiction simply because she scheduled her days and planned around them