Little tale of inspirtation and motivation

Thursday and Friday were CRAZY busy for me. I am the PTA VP and I was in charge of our Chili Cook-Off, so lots of last minute prep work plus the event itself, mixed in with a fast and heavy snow for good measure. Thursday I was so wore out from a sick kid at home, running last minute pick-ups for the event, and being up since 4 am, that by 3pm I was pretty well dragging and needing some caffiene. I wanted my drug of choice, Dr. Pepper, but we didn't have any in the house and I was too busy baking and cooking to run out and get it. So had to do without. Friday comes and between our usual friday folders in the morning, prep work at the school for the event, and running around in the snow I needed a caffiene fix. Figured I would go down to the teachers lounge and get a Dr. Pepper. Of course, the machine is broke, and it had to be unplugged. So, then I ran home to grab my chili and then back to the school for sit-up. Friend calls from the store (had to pick up our hot dog order for the event) asked if there was anything I needed before she heads back from to the school. As soon as I go to say "Dr. Pepper" my phone loses signal. So I never did get my fix. I think a higher power knew I didn't need it. SO 3 weeks 100% pop free. You are never alone in this journey to better yourself. Keep at it.