Hello :)

My name is Sabrina and i'm new here! I'm from the Netherlands and i'm 20 years. I want to lose 12kg i think that's 25 lbs. I'm doing 30dayshred and today is day 7 from level1. I only drink wather and tea for 2weeks now. Any other great tips? Or what i can do when i finish 30 day shred? Bye

Sorry for my bad englisch :(


  • Welcome! It's great to see that you already have an exercise routine, and are drinking only water and tea. There is excellent advice on the forums and groups here. This one has helped me: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/10118-eat-train-progress

    Logging your calories intake and exercise will give you a lot of power to transform yourself. Just be sure to take it one step at a time, not rush and have patience. You can do this!

    Lots of folks around here seem to start off with 30-day Shred and go to the P90X or Insanity workouts. I would also suggest either weight training or strength training to tone and build muscle to you burn fat while not working out.

    Check out the Food and Nutrition, and Fitness and Exercise, forum topics - the folks here are very helpful and there's a lot of knowledge and experience.

    The best part of MFP, at least for me, is that I have folks on here that help motivate and support. Feel free to add me if you're interested.

    I wish you much success!