4 lb. gain in one week - why?

jgsims Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello, I am new to posting here. I realize that I don't know a whole heck of a lot about this stuff, and it's killing me! I have gone up and down by 1 lb. in the past 3 weeks (I only weigh once per week), and then yesterday I'd gained 4 lbs.!!! I really don't know why. I can only make it to the gym about once per week, but in between I walk the stairs in my building. I know it's not a lot, but it's more than I was doing. As far as my food intake, I still, for the most part, stay within my 1200 calories daily. Here and there I will go over, but not by an obscene amount. I guess it's sort of like zig-zagging. What in the world is going on? I know I don't drink enough, could that be part of the problem?


  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of day each time. i weigh more at night. and wear the same type of clothing too.
  • greenbucket
    greenbucket Posts: 1 Member
    You have to drink The 8 cups of water!!!!:smile:
  • jgsims
    jgsims Posts: 11
    That is exactly what I do. I work out at lunch, and don't eat before I go. I always weigh before I start my workout.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    It is probably water weight. The more water you drink the less you will retain.
    In order to put on 4 pounds in "real weight" over one week you would have to consume 14,000 more calories then you burned that would be an average of 2000/day. if you burn 1500 calories at rest/day you would have had to eat an average of 3500 calories per day.
  • mictur
    mictur Posts: 175 Member
    Are you only eating 3 meals and no snack in between? Try to eat for meals a portion 4-5 oz. of protein, 1 c. fast carbs like rice, bread, and 1 c. of slow carbs. like veggies. In between meals eat 100-200 calorie snacks. That is if you are a woman. For a man it is higher.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I too suggest looking over your food lists for the week. high levels of sodium will make you retain lots of water. :flowerforyou:
  • averys7
    averys7 Posts: 60 Member
    Have you ate alot of salt? Sodium makes you retain water which will make you weigh more. Drink 15 cups of water today and get everything out...then weigh yourself and it should come down...good luck!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    water's a big issue, especially if you have a high sodium intake ....just give it time hun ...and dont forget to drink your water :wink:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Time of the month? I gain between 3-5lbs before and during my period.

    It's quite normal :o)

    Keep at it and don't always depend on scales alone.

    You'll know your loosing weight by how your clothes fit and body measurements and how your feeling.
  • jgsims
    jgsims Posts: 11
    Thank you so much. I will review my sodium intake and drink a lot more water. That could very well be it. I am at 3 weeks away from when I wanted to hit my goal, and it's not looking good. I'll have to really buckle down and see where I can make those changes.
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