58 year old guy and I LOVE this app!

Hello all:

I am a 58 year old guy with a closet full of clothes ranging from size 44 to 50. I have been as high as 345 but never below 260 - most of the time yo yoing between 295 and 320. I have always worked out a lot but diet has been the issue.

The most successful I have ever been was went I went from 345 to under 270 about 4 years ago. I was keeping a food diary. But ultimately I got tire fo the hassle of keeping the xcell spreadsheat and looking up the calorie count.

I sarted using this app on my doctors advice last week. In one week I have used it religously.am It is tremendous. Easy to use and intuitive. I set me profile for osing 1 pound a week and then upped it ot 2 ponds a week after a few days.

So far, in the first week - I am ahead by 2700 net calories. My ultimate goal is 250 pounds. My doctor wants me to aim for 295 by my next visit the end of may. I think I will blow that away


  • choirmast
    choirmast Posts: 7 Member
    Would love hearing from guys in my age range.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on your positive attitude and on finding MFP.
  • fredf2112
    fredf2112 Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome choirmast! There are quite a few of us Clydesdales, as one friend has dubbed us, around MFP. I've been logging for 184 days so far and find the app and the site easy to use. Keep up the great work and let me know if I can be of any help.