How to maintain my calorie intake?

I have just started tracking my calories again, and I have indulged this morning at breakfast and I only have only 501 calories left for the day what should I eat and drink for the rest of the day?


  • silgo1208
    While it is best to space your food out just for hunger sake the best thing you can do is spread the remaining out as best you can over several meals. So if you want to do five more meals do 100 calories each or if you can do fewer meals with more time in between (or go to bed earlier) you could do four more meals at 125 calories. Or if you want to teach yourself a lesson do like one or two meals and use the hunger as motivation. Really depends on what works for you and the risk that hunger will just make you give up for the day and "restart tomorrow" (pretty much the way everybody blows their diet and a really bad way to do things)
  • suenewberry81
    suenewberry81 Posts: 241 Member
    Is there any way you could exercise? Got for an hourly walk??? That's what. Do if I need some more calories, if you can't lots of fruit and veg chicken breast salads???? How many calories have you set your self to have?
    If you can't do any of the above try not t worry about it exercise lots more tomorrow and cut back on your food tomorrow to even it out, I watch more of my net calories for the week more than daily, don't beat a self up we are only human xx
  • justkeepgoing1010
    Exercise! You can eat more then.

    Don't let it be all or nothing mindset. Just because you indulged, don't think "I'll just start tomorrow"....Just eat and log and move on. Get moving so you can add more calories to your day :)
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    Vegetables have very little calories... Most of them...
    Broccoli is good. Peas are slightly less good...

    Mosr carbs (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes) have a lot of calories and some people (me) don't get full from them.

    Protein (meat) has a lot of calories but keep you full.

    I dunno.

    For me, as long as I'm not above my maintenance I eat if I'm hungry. Not being miserable is more important than 0.01 kilos or whatever less fat on my body.
    Tomorrow is a new day where I can not be an idiot who eats cake for breakfast or pizza for lunch, leaving little to no calories left for dinner.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    If you only eat 500 the rest of the day you will be hungry by bedtime and again tomorrow, so the whole cycle will begin again. Just eat healthily and as close to maintenance as possible and learn from this hiccup, you are not going to gain anything eating a few hundred more calories that you intended for one day. Why did you overindulge? Did you eat badly or drink last night, are you keeping trigger foods in the house, did you not plan your meals or grocery shopping? Whatever didn't go well, fix it for next time.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    As said some vegetables (baby carrots are my go to) and get some exercise in. I'm going on a bike ride in a few minutes to counteract a krispy kreme donut that I ate. (It was worth it!)