Restaurant Foods To Watch Out For

I've seen this type of post pop up every once in a while, so I thought I'd add my little warning. We went to Carrabba's today - which is pack filled with high calorie, high fat, high sodium foods. I knew that before I even stepped into the door. However, I planned on getting the Chicken Caesar Salad so I figured that I was in the clear. All of my experiences with any chicken salad have been pretty positive; anywhere between 300-500 calories depending on the quantity, type of chicken, and whether or not it has walnuts, croutons etc... Well, after digging in, I decided to go online to find out. Conveniently Carrabba's has an online nutrition guide which gave the salad a solid 770 Calories. Not too bad. However, after talking to the waiter, he informed me that because of the amount of dressing, cheese, and croutons that are actually put in the salad, it comes out to be more like 1100-1200. Wow!! There goes more than 1/2 of my days allotment in one salad that left me feeling hungry 3hrs later. Anyway, if anyone else has any similar stories, I'd like to hear them. I guess that doing homework BEFORE eating is always important, even if it's just a salad.