Difference in Carbs?

I was wondering if there is a difference between the carbs we get from fruits and vegetables and the carbs in breads and the like.


  • jpell420
    High carbs (bread) and Low carbs (veggies). Do a Google search. There is a BIG difference!!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    There's a difference in how they might cause a blood sugar spike. The quicker they are digested the more likely they are to spike your blood sugar which is then followed by a surge of insulin followed by a drop in blood sugar causing hunger and cravings. Carbs that are eaten in conjunction with a lot of fiber or protein won't digest as quickly. This is pretty much the basis of the South Beach eating plan which aims to keep your blood sugars even throughout the day and avoid blood sugar spikes. Hope that helps.
  • melissab6968
    melissab6968 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you! I always thought there was a difference!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Simple(Refined) carbs such as white bread and pastas are considered bad because they more easily stored as fat because of the sugar spike.

    Brown rice, wheat breads, and raw veggies or unprocessed carbs is what I prefer. I wouldn't be afraid to consume of these type of carbs. Its also thought that these type of carbs help prevent cancer (which feeds of sugar).
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Refined carbohydrates are NOT the same as simple carbs, two different classification systems are getting confused. Simple carbs are sugars, complex carbs are starches regardless if they are whole or refined. All digestible carbohydrates are converted to sugar in the body, so dietary sugar is not the same as blood sugar (glucose).

    A somewhat newer way of looking at it is the glycaemic index - a fixed amount of carbs in a single food is fed to the study participant and their blood glucose is measured at intervals and comparisons made to either table sugar or white bread. Actually some starches are worse for the blood glucose than even table sugar. Some vegetables and fruits are high GI, some are low. The differences are believed to be a combination of the structure of the starches or sugars in the food itself, how it is processed (modern wheat flour is incredibly finely ground, virtually digested), how it is cooked (cooking partly 'digests' it), how much protein fat and fibre is in the food (all slow digestion).

    Then there is portion size and concentration of carbs to consider, it's much easier to eat 100g of carbs from bread than 100g of carbs from spinach. You also get more nutrients per calorie from fruit and veggies than you would from some starches especially the refined ones unless they are fortified.
  • melissab6968
    melissab6968 Posts: 56 Member
    I do tend to get most of my carbs from veggies and fruits but I do crave the starches!
  • amber961
    amber961 Posts: 3 Member
    HUGE difference. Carbs from fruits and veggies digest slowly and don't cause the severe blood sugar spikes that refined carbs do. Bread, even whole wheat, is very high on the glycemic index. Some breads have a higher GI than pure table sugar. Carbs from vegetables lead you feeling fuller longer and most of the time you can eat a larger volume of them for fewer calories than those found in refined carbs.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I do tend to get most of my carbs from veggies and fruits but I do crave the starches!

    Are you eating enough protein, fats, mineral/ fibre rich foods and overall calories? If you cut back hard on beans, lentils and wholegrains you must substantially increase nuts and seeds to compensate for the lost fibre and minerals and increase fats for calories and satiety, you cannot just fill the gap with produce and expect to have a balanced diet. If you are eating the right amount of nuts and seeds you should not be suffering hunger or cravings - don't underestimate how much is required.

    Also watch the amount of fruit and type of fruit that you eat, high sugar ones can cause the blood sugar to spike and dip leading to hunger or cravings. Stick to low sugar like berries, red and black currants, grapefruit and rhubarb, and be sure to have far more vegetable servings than fruit.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I do tend to get most of my carbs from veggies and fruits but I do crave the starches!

    Are you eating enough protein, fats, mineral/ fibre rich foods and overall calories? If you cut back hard on beans, lentils and wholegrains you must substantially increase nuts and seeds to compensate for the lost fibre and minerals and increase fats for calories and satiety, you cannot just fill the gap with produce and expect to have a balanced diet. If you are eating the right amount of nuts and seeds you should not be suffering hunger or cravings - don't underestimate how much is required.

    Also watch the amount of fruit and type of fruit that you eat, high sugar ones can cause the blood sugar to spike and dip leading to hunger or cravings. Stick to low sugar like berries, red and black currants, grapefruit and rhubarb, and be sure to have far more vegetable servings than fruit.