pulled adductor longus. do i give up?

vitabella Posts: 34 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So i pulled my inner thigh muscle. dr says no walking, jogging, running, stairmaster or eliptical machines. no lunges, squats, or anything that requires using my inner thigh for 6-8 weeks until recovery. also physical therapy is even more painful than the actually pulled muscle.

so i am 23, i have always been overweight. ive never gotten to enjoy a fun summer in a bathing suit with friends. this was going to be MY summer...i feel so hopeless now. i was going to use the next 8 weeks to drop 15 pounds before summer so i could go to the beach...now i dont see how i could possibly lose 15 pounds without being able to exercise. in fact i can see myself gaining weight since working out is the only thing that has kept me from gaining since i binge eat. i just want to look beautiful like all the other skinny girls on the beach, now i have to wait until summer 2011..another year sitting outside wearing capris and shirts over my swim suit to avoid embaressment in front of peers. why cant everyone in their early 20's be thin so we can all experience the joys of summer at a beach.

bla bla bla sorry i need to vent. what other exercises can i do? will upper body alone or maybe lots of swimming help me lose weight? any advice would be great.


  • mstanley
    mstanley Posts: 121 Member
    Swimming is very good exercise. I don't know if upper body work will be enough to help you lose weight, but it might help keep you from gaining. Good luck!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    If your doctor approves it, I think swimming could be good. I just don't know how much you need that muscle to do kicks. Maybe ask him/her (or your physical therapist) for advice on exercise you can do that will not cause further injury.
    Best of luck and I hope you find something that works out for you!
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    DIET IS MORE IMPORTANT! If you could find the dicipline to exercise, use that same motivation around food. If you eat your MFP calories each day, you'll lose 2 lbs per week (16lbs in 8 weeks) without exercise. Promise yourself that for the next 8 weeks you won't go out to eat (save money for some summer fun too), you won't carry cash with you to avoid vending machines and such, you won't allow yourself to binge. ALSO promise yourself that you will eat healthy, you will plan your meals and snacks, you will try to eat well enough to have a small treat once or twice a week. Lastly, promise yourself that YOU WILL LOSE THE WEIGHT by controlling your diet, since you can't control your workouts as much. You can do this!

    You can still swim. Make sure you get a pull bouy (to help your legs float. You will need to cross your feet to keep it locked between your thighs (you'd noramlly squeeze it, but you're not allowed to use the muscle. Then swim like crazy. It will burn a bunch of calories for you.

    I used to binge eat too (still do some times) and I constantly have to fight myself to keep what little check on it I do have. I've found that the best course is to always have healthy snakcs around (veggies and fruits) and drink TONS of water. That and not having ready cash to buy junk (I'm still having trouble with the free stuff people leave around the office) has really helped me.

    I wish you the best of luck. Just remember to never quit on yourself. Just because one thing seems to be out of your control, doesn't mean that everything is. No throwing up our hands. Find what you can control and change, and do it! God bless you and I hope you can find a way to over come this MINOR (remember there are people with missing limbs that finish marathons and Ironman triathlons) obstacle ...;)
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    Scroll down and read the entries posted The Black Bathingsuit and The Black Bathingsuit part 2

  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    You could also see if your dr would allow water aerobics.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Awesome link, MirandaJayne!
  • vitabella
    vitabella Posts: 34 Member
    thank you everyone for the encouragement. i have been walking a little and controlling my diet this past week. i lost half a pound so thats good!! i reread my post and wow i sounded sooo negative so thank yall for being understanding and helpful.
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