30ds and calories

I am on day 7 level one of 30 day shred.I'm also doing a 4 mile walk video by Leslie Sansone and the occasional just dance marathon with the kids just for fun.I have not lost an ounce in over a week but my clothes are getting loose.I am at 1,200 calories a day and don't eat back my calories.I only want to lose five more pounds but the scale won't budge.Am I working out enough? Am I eating enough calories? Not sure what to do.


  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    With only five pounds to lose it will be painfully slow. IMHO you need to add at least a couple of hundred calories in order to keep your stamina. You are almost at goal so it wouldn't hurt to start working your calories back up to maintenance. I'm sure you want to keep the weight off and are not going to quit exercising, bumping up your calories is going to give you more energy to continue. I think you should add 200-300 cals a day, then see how it goes and how you feel. This is a lifetime change so time is on your side.