so simple, yet so hard for people (me included) to grasp



  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I agree! He is! I value his food rules! (although I had baked ruffles today and there are way more than 5 ingredients and not on my "eat clean" food plan)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I can't wait to read his books and learn more from this man, as I've heard such great things. Thank you for sharing this tid-bit. I have one of his books on it's way to my house (thanks, :smile:
  • I actually LOVE Michael Pollan, and I am really with him in the 'spirit' of most of this, but some of his glibness and oversimplification annoys me! Especially the one about avoiding the middle of the grocery store! Lots of good stuff is in there -- beans and lentils, canned fish, nuts, whole grains like oatmeal and quinoa, etc, and the perimeter has lots of bad stuff, like Cheez Whiz!

    Not to mention that my grandmother totally refused to acknowledge sushi as a food!! :tongue:

    But like I said, I'm totally with him in spirit! We (in general) need to stop letting the food industry brainwash us about what's good/good for us. They are out to make money, like any other corporations.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    There is no like button here... Eh oh well.

    Great stuff! I eat an almost vegan diet. The only exception is my protein shakes. I tend to stay away from processed foods.
  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    There is no like button here... Eh oh well.

    this totally made me laugh out loud at work! hahahahaha

    2 windows are constantly up on my computer desktop. facebook and mfp :D
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I'd suggest buying at a farmer's market. Buy local!!!

    Amen! You can find a farmer's market or CSA near you by going to or to Last summer, I got all of my family's produce from local farms, and it was the best I've ever felt. Going back to the processed, shipped crap at the school cafeteria this fall made me sick for a week or two. Farmer's market opens again this weekend, and I'm going home just to take advantage of it!
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