I don't know what it is, but I am soooo hungry lately! I've been eating 3 to 4 hours apart (like I have for the past couple years) and eat 1700 calories right now on this diet I started a week ago. I never get hungry and i'm used to eating 1200 calories a day. Every 2 hours I get soooo hungry again. What's going on?

Someone told me it was my metabolism finally kicking in.

What do you guys think? WHat's your experience?


  • scrappy11
    scrappy11 Posts: 163
    Sounds like metabolism. When I started MFP and needed to lose about 30lbs I started at 1200 calories, and when I went to 1lb a week I was on 1400 calories a day and then at 1/2 a pound I am now eating 1630 a day and every time I changed my body would go crazy for about a week because my metabolism was increasing and going faster and faster. It is a good thing that you are hungry every 2 hours and make sure you listen to your body...if it is hungry than eat..because honestly like people always used to tell me, "You have to eat to lose weight." The faster your metabolism, the faster you will lose the weight. :) I hope this makes sense~! Good luck with your journey, we are all here to root you on!
  • loverrgirrl
    I get the same way especially the day after i go to the gym. try eating smaller amounts every 2-4 hours and healthy snacks in between meals seems to help me!
  • hollyroode
    Sounds to me that upping to 1700 has definitely kick started your metabolism :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It's definitely your metabolism. I eat every 2 hours or else I'm STARVING. I eat a big-ish breakfast, then snack 2 hours later, then a medium lunch, snack 2 hours later, another snack about 2 1/2-3 hours later (depending on when I started eating for the day - I usually have to eat an hour and a half before I leave work, or I'll never make it to dinner since I work out before dinner) and then dinner about 3-4 hours later. It works for me. By the time I eat dinner, which is usually the smallest (beside snacks) in calories, I'm not hungry after that and I can read a magazine, watch a movie, go to bed and I'm not hungry. I've NEVER been able to NOT eat a snack after dinner before, or just not gotten hungry after dinner so this is a big thing. Also, since I eat dinner so late, I don't like to snack afterwards.

    Everyone's different though, so just find what works for you! :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sounds like you woke up your metabolism. Enjoy the ride to follow!
  • Desiderata
    I used to be that way. The key to this is, eat if your body tells you you're hungry, but make sure you eat filling, high fiber low calorie foods. And maybe to PREVENT the hunger in the first place, make your meals full of whole grains, so digestion is slower.

    Glad that your metabolism is revving though!