Jillian Michael 30DS Advice.



  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    When I started the 30 day shred I was probably about 270 pounds. Like another poster said, do the moves Anita does and if you need a break on certain moves (I remember jump ropes KILLED me at the time) just jog in place! Also make sure to drink plenty of water! And if all else fails, just try to do a little more every day, like one day to 6 minutes and the next do 7 and so on.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    There is a pause button for a reason, take a short breather between circuits if you need to, then give the next one a go. Make sure you have plenty of water with you and get some protein afterwards. I found adding a glute stretch at the end made a big difference to my aches. It does get easier but you have to work for it!
  • Super_Cee
    Super_Cee Posts: 12 Member
    Really, just stick with it. At this stage, it's probably more important that you create a constructive habit, rather than quitting. No-one says you HAVE to do everything in the first, second or third attempt. But keep attempting!! You SHOULD be taken out of your comfort zone, it would be strange if the first workout you try is easy :)
  • snickelfritzzz
  • ChristinaK69
    Take a break when u need to. As far as push-ups ...just do one, then progress. Don't use weights either
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    Do what you can and if there is something you can't do, just keep moving! I didn't find weeks 1 and 2 terribly difficult, but I already had a lot of cardio endurance and strength, but there are some things I can't do because it's too hard on my hips, like running man, so I do something else instead (like jogging or skaters or quick step). Just keep moving. You'll get there!

    (If you don't already do it, try adding walking to your exercise regime to build up your cardio).
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Im 228lbs and can do this perfectly fine because i was doing running and tae bo before it . Probably built up my endurance level. Try running or some other form of cardio and then go back to it , you will see how bareable it is then .
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I did day 1 yesterday and I paused it and took a breather. I also found it easier near the end of the session. I realised that I need to use lighter weights.
    If you need to modify what Anita does. It's all about doing what you can do an building up from there. Remember you not have to do 10 days of each level - you can do more before progressing I the next one.
    Also if you ache the next day carry on with the workout otherwise you'll never see any progress. Also exercise loosens the muscles and should (temporarily) reduce the ache.
  • gayatrik
    gayatrik Posts: 173
    When I did for the first time... I took 4 breaks (more than 2 min each) and took 45 mins to complete the CD....

    Second day was good though ... I took only 2 breaks for lesser time and finished in 30 min.

    So I would say..target at completing the video and dont care about the time .... also, push ups...i cannot do them either.... i only try to raise my abdomen and back as i cannot push my shoulders....

    hope this helps!!
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Do you guys pause it when taking a break, or just let it play and pick up again when you catch your breath?
  • ccolorado
    ccolorado Posts: 8 Member
    I would try Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution instead. Its a longer time commitment (90 days) but starts out at a more basic level (ie - more modifications and not as many combination strength moves). I'm doing it now and I like it way better and find it easier to stick with because there's more assortment in the workouts.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I bet you could do the whole thing if you did it slowly.

    Don't try to keep up to the same speed as them.
    Do the moves, but do them slowly, with fewer repetitions.
    Before you know it, you'll be doing it like Natalie.
    Build up slowly. It will happen.
  • kimanne4
    kimanne4 Posts: 52 Member
    I think the most important part is to just move. Do your best and keep moving. The only way to get the strength and endurance is to push yourself. You'd be surprised what your body can actually do. I'm 39 and I can keep up...anyone can....lol
  • Sanzrox
    Come on girl, we can do it.
    Relieved to see there are people like me. =D We can do it... soon!
  • Sanzrox
    Thank you every one for the great replies and advice =D I feel motivated and lifted. And esp , the wall push up advice! I needed that! =)
  • pokerfacez
    you have to push it, if you want results, it is not easy and it hurts like hell but it is worth it.
    I could do everything perfect except push ups after 4-5 days, so good luck! Do not give up
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Pace yourself so that you can get through the whole workout - maybe keep in a few short breaks. Then, keep building up the intensity day by day.

    The key is not to stop. If you absolutely can't keep going after 5-6 minutes, you are working out way too intensely. I learned this from the Couch-2-5k program - you might want to check it out because a lot of their discussion about how to build up intensity can apply to non-running exercise too.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Idk it might be just me but I loved the challenge, I loved it so much I just kept pushing through day after day until I injured my ankle.
    I think people need to do extra stretching before the workout. And I didn't listen when my body told me no more. Really don't over do it. I would also recommend two day rest each week.


    And shoes....wear shoes! Most people do not have feet designed to take impact barefoot.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    Just do what you can, and keep going back evey day, you will get though it, Try without weights.