Vegetarian recipes needed



  • skoblinka
    I love this blog: She uses very easy ingredients and has a ton of vegetarian-friendly recipes there. I use those recipes all the time, and they are so easy to follow!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    If you like soup I know a good one.
    1 acorn squash,
    2-3 large carrots,
    2-3 celery stalks,
    1 whole sweet onion
    about a tablespoon of garlic
    1 cup of water
    1 cup of almond milk
    salt and pepper to taste

    Saute the garlic and onions until golden brown then add the other veggies and water. Cook on low until tender, then put it into a blender and blend until smooth and then put the puree back into the pot and add the almond milk and cook for about a minute or so and serve! :) Very easy and it tastes soo good!

    I am so sad that I had to google acorn squash because I saw this recipe and bought yellow at the store.

    Bump because I want to try all of these yummy recipes