An epiphony on The Secret to Eating Healthy

This probably is common sense to most all of you reading this, but its something that just clicked for me about 45 minutes ago while I was taking a shower...

The secret to eating healthy is BEING PREPARED...

Amazing right?!?

I know all you guys are rolling your eyes thinking "uh, yeh. Duh." But see I hate having everything planned out and no spontaneity (sp?) to speak of. That's why I've resisted thus far on planning out meals and such. AND that's also why I went over my daily calories by NINE freakin' hundred today, and why I consistently go over...lack of planning ahead.

My usual routine....wake up and scarf down a decent breakfast while logging in MFP to start tracking...ok so I've added breakfast, now that's what I have left for the day...I don't have a phone or ipad to log in through out my work day so when I get home from work I track what I had for lunch, and whatever snacks....and then Husband and I decide what we want for supper, eat it, log it, freak out by how much I went over, scramble over to the handy stationary bike and work off some of that awfully high number...yeh, you see why I'm not doing so hot (or lookin' so hot...)

I'm glad it clicked for me. Finally :P


  • nookeetoone
    I dunno... For me, I just buy stuff I know is good for me. I don't really plan my meals though ._. But Im sure it works for others.