23 Lost and need help

I am Stephie and I am 23 years old. I weigh 78 kilos and am 168 cm tall.

I have been trying to lose weight for a cruise I am going on in the end of May this year. I really want to lose around 13-15 kilos but I am finding it really hard. I can go really really well from Monday to Thursday with eating well and working out everyday, but then I get to Friday and the weekend and its as if all of my motivation just goes out the window and I put half the weight back on again that I already lost that week!

I need help. I don't know how to keep motivated. I need some ideas of how other people have been able to do this.

Is it possible to lose 13 kilos by May? My PT thinks it is, but I don't know if I can do this.

I live in Brisbane, Australia and am a member of Goodlife Gym. If anyone wants a fitness buddy I would love to be it.



  • shirleylmartin
    shirleylmartin Posts: 68 Member
    I think it totally is a realistic goal! But it seems like since the weekend is the most difficult time for you (do you go out with friends a lot during this time?), maybe if you could tell them about your goal, and ask them to keep you accountable.

    It's one thing to have people online in a community of like-minded people to keep you accountable - and don't get me wrong, it's awesome! - but it's another thing entirely to have someone who is there with you, every day, in person, walking with you and keeping you accountable too. I think everyone needs both. Find someone in your life who can do that for you.

    Another thing that might help is to keep your goal in front of you as often as you can. Bring along the cruise brochure - I know that sounds silly, but that would certainly work for me!

    Good luck and keep us posted!
