I can't see what I am doing wrong



  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you calculated your BMR to be 1750, you are eating at 200 calorie deficit, which will help you lose, but it will be very slowly. I saw you mention that the recommendation for women is 2000 calories. That's a generalization, and that's not true for all women. 2000 is solidly weight gain territory for me.

    What does MFP tell you to do, if you put in 1 lb a week and lightly active? Do that, and then feel free to eat exercise calories. Don't count walking around at work as exercise calories though. If a calorie count sounds too good to be true on your exercise calories, double check it.
  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks for this - so how does this lie with eating or not eating back exercise calories? Recommendation is to eat them back but then I will be back to minimal deficit so should I not eat them back? I am quite happy to exercise more as I do enjoy it but then if I also have to eat those calories when I am struggling to eat 1550 a day already i will still not lose in theory.

    Can I just be honest with you? It seems to me that for some reason you avoided all the questions that come to facts, like how tall you are, what you weigh, what weight you would like to get to
    (there is nothing on your profile either)
    and especially, how long it's been like you felt like you were a failure (=the scale doesn't move)... we asked like 3 times

    I totally understand the shyness and the fear of critisism but remember everyone on this portal is here for the same reason: w are ALL overweight and made the wrong choices through years and now have this problem. I may have given you some smart looking advice and I may have lost 19 lb but I am still another overweight woman looking for a way out.

    So many may not agree with me but I feel first of all there is a psychological barrier that needs to be opened here. You don't need to hide how you ate, what you weigh, how old you are or what you did for many years, there are people here over 300+ lb, over 65 years, whatever, teens admitting to triple McDonalds binges or whatnot...

    I hope I am not sounding harsh. Just wish you open up. Share your numbers, it's not shameful, we're all here for a change.

    Hi, no I asked for help - just didn't see the requests for info, here it is as I am not ashamed of any of them :-) - 5" 4' inches tall, 46 years old, current weight 170lbs - goal weight 140 lbs. Joined MFP in Feb last year - lost 13lbs between then and August and then it stopped. Eventually got fed up with not losing so gave in to things and slowly gained my 13lbs back. Kicked myself up the bum at the end of December and go going again, lost 1 1/2 lbs,then nothing, in the last two weeks I have gained back 2lbs. I am gluten intolerant (following tests by doctor and not self diagnosed) and can't eat some foods cos they don't agree with me and make me very unpopular :-( but there is no rhyme or reason to it, ie i can eat boiled and scrambled eggs but not omelettes. Can eat chicken breast but not chicken leg meat - which I put down to the leg meat being greasier but could be wrong.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    First off...what works for me may not work for you.

    I like to keep things simple. I'm not concerned about ANYTHING but net calories for the week. I don't care how much carbohydrate, sugar, fat, or salt food has.....JUST CALORIES. It's a simple mathematical formula. If you burn more than you take in...YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT. That way I can eat ANYTHING I want.

    Next....this is a SLOW LOSS PLAN. One MUST be patient. If you go by MFP's recommendation one pound/week loss is EXCELLENT!

    Just keep thinking that a year from now you'll weigh 52 POUNDS LESS!!!! You didn't gain all the weight overnight....you shouldn't try to lose it all overnight.

    Good luck!