Newbie - New Fitness Friends?

J12Snyder Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
So, I am relatively new to MyFitnessPal, and weight loss in general. Don't get me wrong, I've lost weight before, just never in a healthy way. I was that girl in the group that you all hated, because I could eat whatever and drink whatever and never gain a pound for it. Flash forward about 20 years now... All my best girlfriends have fitness regimes. Oh, I mean regimes.

They are all extremely dedicated to their daily or weekly workouts, and when they are not working out, they are chasing around their children everywhere. Then there's me... I am single, and have spent my 20's and 30's climbing the corporate ladder as best I could while trying to find that great love of my life. Neither one has worked out so well. I am now 39 and facing my upcoming 40th birthday next January. I broke off my engagement (to a man who I now know was not good for me) and lost my job in November of last year. Now I'm 45 lbs over weight, which is the heaviest I've ever been, and I'm having a difficult time even finding the energy to go for a walk with my dog. I sit. I eat. I watch TV. I work on the laptop. I half-heartedly look for a new corporate job to pay the bills. I don't date or put myself out there, so the dream family of my own is slipping further and further away for me. But today I say, enough already!!!

I have some friends around the world who also have said to me that they also wish to lose weight and could use the encouragement. They even signed up with me for this site... Hell, one of them suggested it! The goal was to hold each other accountable to the weight loss, exercise and healthier eating. None of us have extra cash laying around to "go to a meeting" or sign up for some food program. And none of us really have that supportive friend living close enough for girl time at the gym together.

That said, of all of these global friends, only three of mine have actually signed up to use the site. Of those three, not one has logged into it in the past month. In the meantime, I'm floundering.

I need to take my life back, and find a new direction. I really believe this is the start for me, because I know I will feel better. My body, my mental state, my disposition -- they all improve dramatically with every 10 lbs I lose. I begin to have fun and feel like me again.

I know this sort of sounds desperate and dramatic, but in my best Pink Floyd impression, is there anyone out there??? Is there anyone who can relate and help me hold myself accountable????


  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    Feel free to add me as a freind, I would be happy to help encourage you to stick to your goals along the way!

    Be proud of yourself for taking this step and being willing to make a life change and take care of yourself and your weight, that's awesome! This is a wonderful site, FILLED with great people who have alot of knowledge, personal experience, and give so much support! You will definitely reach your goal if you stick with it and keep logging in here!

    You can do this! :smile:
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    Yeah I was that girl to. Now I'm in my late 20's and have dunlap (my belly done lapped over my jeans) Sorry I'm an Okie! Once you get started it's not that bad. My food diary is public so you can see I still eat out, have days I don't quite make my goal but I'm not giving up. You can do this!
  • victorycross
    victorycross Posts: 5 Member
    I hear you...feel free to add me as a fitness friend if you like. I've been sitting on 40+ of extra baggage for close to 15 years now with little change. I agree that with every goal reached, i have more energy and initiative...congrats on making it this far! You have it in you to continue!
  • I can relate to almost everything you said. But for me growing up I was the "chubby" one and well after having kids and putting me second, I put on quite a bit of "extra" weight. And now since losing my job in December, I find myself mindlessly eating even though I'm not the least bit hungry. I think we could all use a friend to help keep us accountable. (I sent a request to you). Good luck on your journey.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Already added you with a 37 page disseration on ME!! :laugh:

    Keep it up! with a little encouragement and some sticktoittiveness it's totally possible!

  • Feel free to add me as a freind, I would be happy to help encourage you to stick to your goals along the way!

    I hope you don't mind but I sent you a friend request as well.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I sent requests to everyone in this thread!:flowerforyou:
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Hi and welcome. This site is really great especially if you use the tools and friendships

    I want you to know that you are not alone. I too was the girl who could eat/drink whatever but I have always worked out so things pretty much balanced themselves out. 16 months ago I almost lost my oldest daughter in a car accident when this idiot ran her off the road on her way to university. She spent 4 months in the hospital and is still recovering today. Not only did her body get completely busted up but she also suffered from a traumatic brain injury. My beautiful daughter, an independent, high honors student, with plans to marry after she graduated has had to relearn everything from eating, walking, talking, EVERYTHING!
    Her short term memory is gone. She remembers better now but originally she didn't know what she did or said ten minutes prior.

    My point to telling you all this is three-fold:
    1. Her determination and strong will to work hard to become the young woman she once was is AWE INSPIRING!
    2. Depression (me) can be crippling...we must be strong but also seek help when necessary
    3. Obviously life as I knew it was put on hold because I was now my daughters caregiver. No gym, no runs, exercise etc., didn't even thing about it, not even 30 lbs later. I was just surviving to get her through this nightmare - - POINT: If we don't take care of ourselves, we are no good to anyone.

    I am happy to say Deanna continues to make progress and I know someday she will have her life back and will reach her dreams. She works so hard everyday for things we take for granted, she is my inspiration.

    I hope you find what you need - please add me as a friend if you would like

  • Thanks everybody! I totally needed this!!!!!!!! :happy:
  • TTabour
    TTabour Posts: 13
    Hello my name is Ted.
    I am 65 and happly married and about to go into retirement forced to either seel or close my Franchise business.

    I too have battled the corporate ladder and my waistline. I am interested in keeping on track in my wait loss goals and would be willing to follow along with you. Perhaps we can help eachohter reach our goals. if you are interested in doing this drop me a note.

    i started last week and keep track on my Iphone and a notebook PC.
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