Chicken making me sick??

I am not a big fan of meat it just grosses me out most of the time. I have eaten a basically meatless diet for about two weeks. Yesterday, I had a small chicken breast. Almost, instantly my stomach started hurting and it hurt for the rest of the day. I am thinking it had to do with the chicken. I used to get stomach pains all of the time but hadn't had one in a few weeks.

Now, I am wondering if it is possible that my body cannot somehow process chicken. Is this possible? Is it possibly and allergy?

I have never heard of anyone having problems with chicken so I am curious.



  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Small chicken breast could actually be quite a high 'dose', bearing in mind a serving is the size of your palm. Digestive enzyme balance can change to accommodate your diet, not sure if that would happen in as short time frame as two weeks. Have you just been avoiding land animal muscle meat or also other dense proteins (fish, seafood etc)? Was it a completely plain chicken breast you cooked yourself or could there have been additives?

    Some people are allergic to chicken yes, but only a medical professional could diagnose that. Best thing would be to keep a detailed food diary (EVERY morsel and sip that passes your lips, with brands) alongside details of how you are feeling day to day. Little can be diagnosed from a single episode.
  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks. it was actually probably very processed chicken. It was one of those Hormel Compleats with potatoes. I think I am just going to skip meat completely from now on. I have a real aversion to it, so it is easy to give up.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Thanks. it was actually probably very processed chicken. It was one of those Hormel Compleats with potatoes. I think I am just going to skip meat completely from now on. I have a real aversion to it, so it is easy to give up.

    Could be an additive then, not necessarily the chicken. Chicken breast is not particularly nutritious anyway, maybe eat more oily fish and seafood to compensate and you will likely be healthier than many meat eaters.
  • lisawmi
    lisawmi Posts: 6 Member
    I my vote is also that it was something other than the chicken in the meal. If you are going to be meatless make sure you are getting your protein in from other sources.
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I my vote is also that it was something other than the chicken in the meal. If you are going to be meatless make sure you are getting your protein in from other sources.

    As someone who follows a primarily vegetarian diet, I would agree. Don't just think you can skip the chicken and then not replace it with something. You will need to find other forms of protein. But don't worry- there are LOTS of plant-based sources, plus eggs and fish. Just do a little research and find what works for you and your body.

    After going meatless for so long, I have a hard time with beef. It does not sit well on my stomach at all.
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I can't eat meat or fish. I get horrendous cramps if I do. I can cope with animal products, but have to avoid to much dairy. I have been the same since I was about 11.
  • trulycrazed
    trulycrazed Posts: 79 Member
    Allergies to meat do happen. I can't have beef, pork, lamb or actually any mammal without a great deal of suffering. Even turkey makes me extremely nauseous (only the dark meat though, I think its a sensitivity to animal fats)... so yeah. If you can't stomach it, don't eat it.
    Though as others have said, it may be the additives.
    Everyone is weird in their own special ways!
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    I am veggie and get my protein from cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, soya tofu, cheese and milk
  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks everybody for the responses. i love eggs and peanut butter and nuts. I get a lot of protein that way. I am not a fan of meat. I am researching the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. I think I could do without any meat quite easily but I love eggs and cheese. I know there is a specific term for a person that eats that way but I do not remember it.