feeling trapped

It drives me crazy how I feel trapped in this body. I know under all this weight is a fit person that I really want to be!

Yesterday at the gym I was running my 2 miles and then walked another mile. When walking I turn off my music and have quite time. Its then that I heard the lady next to me tell her friend "did you see her jiggle." I was mortified!


  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    What an A-Hole!!! are you sure they were talking about you? even still....they shouldn't be talking about anybody that way. we all exercise for the same reasons and GOOD FOR YOU for taking a positive and active direction for you, your physical and mental health, and your future!

    You don't have a problem and there is nothing wrong with you....THEY have the problem, and never let someone else's ignorance derail your progress!!!
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 133 Member
    If they were talking about you then they are a-holes! I agree with what nellyett said.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    How can you be sure they were referring to you?
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    If they were referring to you, use it to your advantage. It's important to want to make changes for yourself, but "I'll show them" can be a powerful motivator also.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    If they were referring to you, use it to your advantage. It's important to want to make changes for yourself, but "I'll show them" can be a powerful motivator also.


    You're doing the right thing.
    Show them!!
  • shaxnax
    shaxnax Posts: 87 Member
    Whether they were refering to if she was jiggling is irrelevant. It was a rude and mean comment directed at anyone. I'm happy that you're working hard to better yourself. It would have taken a lot of will power for me to not rip out my earbuds and inform them of their awfulness. Keep working hard on becoming healthier. You'll get there before you know it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    How do we know they were referring to anyone. The op was wearing headphones and facing the other direction. Heard a partial content they could have been about anything. Why assume the worst? Why let it affect your day? You just had a great workout and are on the way to achieving your goals. I wouldn't give two thoughts about the conversation of random people
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    No matter who she was talking about, it was rude. I would have turned to her and said "Whats wrong with you? You should be ashamed of yourself." It doesnt matter if she was talking about you, to you, or about someone else altogether. Until people are confronted with their bad behavior they often don't realize how they sound or who they hurt.
  • IsisRosa
    IsisRosa Posts: 57 Member
    They probably weren't referring to you. Don't let it get to you and definitely don't let her comment make you self conscious.
  • ABSOLUTLY do NOT let people's lack of intelligence affect YOU! Some people are truly RUDE and it is really ashame. Be PROUD of yourself for running! When we get the energy, time and motivation to put ourselves forward to exercise, we need to realize that we are doing it for ourselves and what others SAY will NOT affect us! Stay positive!! Give yourself a PAT on the back, not a kick in the *kitten*! LOL
  • paininneck
    paininneck Posts: 7 Member
    Well......Personally I would have smiled at them and let their own guilty conscious do the teaching. There are always going to be those kinds of people in this world who can only feel good about themselves by bringing others down. Be the better person and ignore them...At my gym if someone is being judgemental or rude then they get the "lunk" alarm pulled on them. Keep up the good work and remember you are the only one who can decide if you are happy.
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    Until people are confronted with their bad behavior they often don't realize how they sound or who they hurt.
  • You are SO CORRECT!! That is the attitude we all need to have! People really are RUDE!
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I agree- You can't just assume they were talking about you. If she had said "Look how amazing she looks!" would you have still assumed she was talking about you? A lot of times we create stories in our head to justify our insecurities. Practice using mental stop signs. When these types of thoughts enter your head you need to immediately speak logically to yourself.

    For Example:

    Girl: "omg did you see her jiggle??":devil:


    Mental Stop sign: "Self, you have no idea who she was referring to. You just had an amazing work out and you're making healthy choices and being kind to your body. FOCUS!":flowerforyou:

    And if they WERE talking about you,

    Haters gonna hate babe! Brush it off and keep it moving! Don't ever give anyone power over your feelings....Especially not a stranger! Regardless of whether they were talking about you or not, thats their business, not yours. Don't concern yourself with other people's negativity. :smile:
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    It drives me crazy how I feel trapped in this body. I know under all this weight is a fit person that I really want to be!

    Yesterday at the gym I was running my 2 miles and then walked another mile. When walking I turn off my music and have quite time. Its then that I heard the lady next to me tell her friend "did you see her jiggle." I was mortified!

    If you was a size 6 then the people next to you would say, `hey look at that skinny girl what is she trying to prove`

    You are in your life for you and the people you care about, forget the ditzies` that are going to make comments what ever weight you are...you go girlie x
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I use anger to fuel my running rage. F those other people,
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I use anger to fuel my running rage. F those other people,

  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    How sad and pathetic. To actually say that, out loud, must mean she is pretty miserable. Really, what kind of person feels it is necessary to say that kind of thing, no matter who she was talking about? In a gym no less, where people are actually there to do something about their body.

    I will pray for her.
  • IsisRosa
    IsisRosa Posts: 57 Member
    After reading this post, I tried to put myself in the rude person's shoes. What would cause me to say such a rude comment? I've seen plenty of people jiggle in the gym and it barely registers. The only way I would say something is if I was talking about a celebrity that has recently gained weight. I know, petty of me, but it's the truth. OP, I honestly don't think she was talking about you, especially since you were walking and not running.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    That's when you look at them and say your ugly at least i can lose the wieght, but you'll always be ugly, LMAO