Cardio or Strength First?

hptgetskinny Posts: 15 Member
edited January 11 in Fitness and Exercise
Which order, cardio before strength or strength before cardio, is best for you to maximize your overall workout results?



  • gem5639
    gem5639 Posts: 90
    Strength first. It depletes glycogen stores as muscles use it during resistance training, so then when you start cardio it is straight to fat burning x
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I would say it depends on how much you have to lose. If you have a ton to lose, then cardio first. If you have very little to lose, then strength first.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    for me energy wise i do cardio last. if i did it first i could lift weights
  • It's is a matter of priority. I lift first so I can concentrate and get the most out of it. Then I take a spin class and have someone else push me. My competitive streak keeps me working with the rest of the class
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Strength first. It depletes glycogen stores as muscles use it during resistance training, so then when you start cardio it is straight to fat burning x

    THIS x a zillion Cardio first will also zap your energy levels and will stall your lifting.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Not sure which is better, but for me I hate cardio and love lifting so I force myself to do cardio first and then rewards myself with lifting : )
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    It depends on your goals, but if you are losing weight then I'd say strength first, as lean muscle mass is hard to build and its easier to maintain what you have than to start all over again once you've lost weight. Don't forget though that diet (calories in vs calories out and macros balance that matters most).
  • It's is a matter of priority. I lift first so I can concentrate and get the most out of it. Then I take a spin class and have someone else push me. My competitive streak keeps me working with the rest of the class

    This. Whichever one is more important to you, do that. I run track, and what we always do is an hour+ of running ladders, then around ten to twenty minutes of intense body weight exercises.
  • I have heard that it is best to lift first because you don't want to deplete your glycogen stores. also i forget why but supposedly it helps increase the fat burning process and you can still do cardio afterwards.
  • Best way to handle this topic is to do High Intensity Resistance Training. You get the benefits of both cardio and muscle building. You don't need to be a gerbil on a wheel to get the best of both worlds.
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    My $0.02:

    Depends on your goals: If you're training for a marathon, do cardio first, and lots of it. In that case, the weight training complements the cardio. If you're trying to body build, weights first, and the cardio will compliment the strength training.

    Personally, I like to separate the two workouts -- if I'm going to do both on any given day -- by doing one in the morning and one at lunch or in the evening. Either one makes me too tired for the other to have as much effect if I do them together, regardless of which order I do them in.
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