7 MONTHS - PALEO DIET - Slightly NSFW (underwear pics)



  • foxggren
    foxggren Posts: 33 Member
    Not sure why the pic isn't working anymore... but here it is again:

    May 2012 on the left - January 2013 on the right:
  • foxggren
    foxggren Posts: 33 Member
    I see no pics :(

    I am interested to try Paleo.I am a recovering vegan/vegetarian.I had to start eating meat again for health reasons(long story)
    What does a typical day look like on this?What kinds of foods can be substituted for bread and grains?I eat veggies and love it.
    Are the carbs derived only from fruits and vegetables?My bestfriend has celiac disease so she can't eat bread and pasta,unless it's gluten free and she finds it easy.

    Where can i find more information on this?

    I was a vegetarian for 10 years, myself. It's amazing how this diet points out to you, very quickly, how unhealthy of a lifestyle it is.

    Yes, you get carbs from vegetables, and especially fruit. You don't have to worry about substituting anything for grains because without them in your diet, you don't crave as much. You don't feel the constant urge to eat and hunger pains. In fact, intermittent fasting is pretty normal on this diet. And because your body isn't on a constant insulin roller coaster from the grains, it doesn't feel like you are going to pass out.

    To learn more I recommend reading this blog: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/
  • foxggren
    foxggren Posts: 33 Member
    Fantastic results.

    I couldn't work with that plan though. I really think it would be forever being on a 'diet'. How do you work round being on holiday/going for meals/eating at a friends/eating on the go?

    Well done on your success though.

    It's a lifestyle change. And I'm happy with it because it's totally worth it to feel as good as I do.

    That being said, I occasionally cheat - usually for holidays. Eating out isn't that hard. You can always get a salad with meat, a burger with no but, double side of veggies with no starch or grain. It does open your eyes to the amount of grains we put in our bodies though. Food on the go is harder - that's usually when I grab an apple!
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    Grains cause health problems without you knowing. They cause insulin spikes and inflammation, which doesn't usually manifest itself as a problem right away, but after many years takes a toll on your body. There is a school of thought that human disease coincides with the rise of agriculture and farming...


    This may be true for some people, but what you eat doesn't always equal great health. Of course, it's important to eat healthy which can be done by eating what you want in moderation but there are other factors that affect health such as genetics, physical activity, and environment. There may be a group of people that are greatly affected by the effects of grains but it could also not affect some others. You can't really lump everyone into one category...

    I disagree, read the perfect health diet and anti-cancer. Both of those books opened my eyes to how what we eat directly affects our health.

    I'm not trying to be rude but who wrote these books? Is the information based off opinion or decades of research? These books might be helpful in some ways, and may have a lot of truths but there are a lot of books out there that can attempt to convince you about basically anything. I do think that eating right does affect your health but there are many other factors based on studies that have been done for decades. You should check the studies that were done about the people who live over 100. Not one of them that I've read about was on a Paleo diet. They were however relaxed, optimistic, active, sociable, and had a strong genetic background.

    I wouldn't say living to be over 100 is our ultimate goal is it? I want to be as healthy and fit as I can while I'm here on the planet. Carrying extra muscle mass means I'm going to die sooner, but I would still rather die 10 years earlier and live my 90 years being awesome than being a waif for 100.

    And yes there is much research on the problems with gluten re: autoimmunity.

    Letjog: You don't have to go "full" paleo. You can eat all the milk and yogurt you want and still get the benefit of cutting out grains.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    You look great! I might have to try this.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Could not live without milk and yoghurt. I'd be sad and my bones even sadder.

    You get way more calcium from eating lots of veggies (especially greens) than you do from a glass of milk. :)

    Tho I agree, I loooove my dairy.
  • hey you look amazing congrats on 7months of paleo, im a couple of weeks in and already feeling better. for the most part i was was glutena nd dairy free before, its just the cutting out grains legumes and SUGAR thats been challenging.i would love to be your friend on fitnesspal, its very insiring and hearing someones been on it for that long with great results is likely to help keep me on track. im a similar weight to you when you first started out.
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I see no pics :(

    I am interested to try Paleo.I am a recovering vegan/vegetarian.I had to start eating meat again for health reasons(long story)
    What does a typical day look like on this?What kinds of foods can be substituted for bread and grains?I eat veggies and love it.
    Are the carbs derived only from fruits and vegetables?My bestfriend has celiac disease so she can't eat bread and pasta,unless it's gluten free and she finds it easy.

    Where can i find more information on this?

    I was a vegetarian for 10 years, myself. It's amazing how this diet points out to you, very quickly, how unhealthy of a lifestyle it is.

    Yes, you get carbs from vegetables, and especially fruit. You don't have to worry about substituting anything for grains because without them in your diet, you don't crave as much. You don't feel the constant urge to eat and hunger pains. In fact, intermittent fasting is pretty normal on this diet. And because your body isn't on a constant insulin roller coaster from the grains, it doesn't feel like you are going to pass out.

    To learn more I recommend reading this blog: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/

    FINALLY SEE PICS!!You look amazing!!I will definitely be doing this for a month,hopefully I can go longer and then eventually be Paleo.:)

    Thank you.Your body is killer!!
    Thanks for the info.Makes a lot of sense actually.
  • EvikeVersits
    EvikeVersits Posts: 18 Member
    You look great! I just started Paleo three weeks ago and I already feel better!
  • You look amazing!
    Can someone please tell me if you can have any sweets at all once in a while on paleo?
    Or if you do eat some grains , sometime, will that make you gain weighty?
    ThAnk you

    You can eat all the candy you want. Calories determine weight gain/loss. (Though try to limit fructose to 30-50g/day depending on your weight)

    Eating grains will no make you gain weight, calories will. Grains will just make it more difficult, your appetite will be higher than it should, you will be more prone to autoimmune diseases and you will have a less nutrient rich diet. The stuff is just bad.

    Paleo is not necessarily a weight loss diet, it is an optimum health diet. I eat paleo when i'm trying to GAIN weight. Though it is incredibly expensive......

    I don't know if I agree that it is incredibly expensive. I spend less eating this way. I stay satisfied longer and no longer need so many snacks. I basically only shop in the perimeter of the grocery store so that axes out a whole bunch of aisles of more money to spend. I used to really believe the calories in... calories out thing forever until i hit a 3 month slump of no loss at all and I was under my calories like 90 percent of the time. I just know this works... and I know I feel the best I have felt since I was a teenager. :)
  • Touchdown73
    Touchdown73 Posts: 39 Member
    Congrats on your success. I've been eating Paleo since June and have success with weight loss and high energy levels.

    In addition to the Mark's Daily Apple site referenced earlier in this thread you can also get some great info from the Whole 9 website here: http://whole9life.com/category/whole-30/

    There's also a very supportive Paleo/Primal group on MFP.

    Good luck to all!
  • foxggren
    foxggren Posts: 33 Member
    I don't know if I agree that it is incredibly expensive. I spend less eating this way. I stay satisfied longer and no longer need so many snacks. I basically only shop in the perimeter of the grocery store so that axes out a whole bunch of aisles of more money to spend. I used to really believe the calories in... calories out thing forever until i hit a 3 month slump of no loss at all and I was under my calories like 90 percent of the time. I just know this works... and I know I feel the best I have felt since I was a teenager. :)

    Nail on the head! Exactly!

    Thanks for all the kind words y'all... can't wait to hear about all the new experiences with paleo! :)
  • carolin8282
    carolin8282 Posts: 9 Member
    I've been hearing a lot about Paleo and I'm interested in learning more to see if it's a good fit for my family and I - I don't have any gluten intolerances and my children are not allergic to anything. Today I read about legumes and how they are not recommended on the Paleo diet, which flies in the face of everything I've learned until now because I thought they are good for you (high in fiber, etc)! Seems like this diet would be difficult to maintain...?
  • mrsna
    mrsna Posts: 195 Member
    You look amazing!
    Can someone please tell me if you can have any sweets at all once in a while on paleo?
    Or if you do eat some grains , sometime, will that make you gain weighty?
    ThAnk you

    You can eat all the candy you want. Calories determine weight gain/loss. (Though try to limit fructose to 30-50g/day depending on your weight)

    Eating grains will no make you gain weight, calories will. Grains will just make it more difficult, your appetite will be higher than it should, you will be more prone to autoimmune diseases and you will have a less nutrient rich diet. The stuff is just bad.

    Paleo is not necessarily a weight loss diet, it is an optimum health diet. I eat paleo when i'm trying to GAIN weight. Though it is incredibly expensive......
    Thank you!!!
    I am very tempted to research more and try to follow!
    But weekends with family would be impossible for me...
    So I guess Mon through Fri !

    The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf is a great book to read if you are interested in the Paleo diet. I am about half way through and working towards transitioning to a Paleo diet.
  • evilmj31
    evilmj31 Posts: 55 Member
    I have been eating Paleo for almost 4 months now. I started when I found out I was allergic to dairy and looking for reciepies that were dairy free. I ran into some paleo sites. I have to say I thought this sounded like such a hard restrive diet, but I was wrong. After cutting out sugar, grains, dairy and legumes I feel great, I have a ton of energy, I don't crave food like I used to. I don't find myself wanting to eat chips, or looking for sweets. I bake the occassional treat using natural sugars like maple syrup or honey and even my non paleo friends love them.

    It sounds more restrive than it is. I have well balanced meals and never find myself hungry, in fact I find myself less hungry than I used to be. I have been losing weight consistently and always have lots of energy to work out. I am not giving up carbs, I am just changing where they come from.

    Not every is going to want to eat this way and I respect that, but I have to say it works really well for me :)
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    I stopped calorie counting at the end of August and switched to the Paleo diet. It changed my life:

    Height: 5'7"
    Age: 26
    Starting weight: 160
    Current weight: 135

    The Paleo diet is the absolute key/secret/trick to weight loss. I promise you, it's virtually all you need to do!

    May 2012 on the left - January 2013 on the right:

    congrats girl! great loss!!

    I totally agree with you. it is the only thing taht has worked for me weight loss and health wise. I just feel so great. mostly due to digestion issues being gone. its amazing

    I am 5'8 but still over 200lbs. cannot wait to hit the 100's :D ALMOST THERE!
  • carolin8282
    carolin8282 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I'll check out that book also. What kind of carbs can you consume on the Paleo (besides the carbs from fruits & veggies)? Can you eat quinoa?
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    yay paleo!!!!!!!! I crossfit and so i hear about paleo a lot! after CF'ing for 8 months now, i've hit a plateu, and i know my nutrition is what it's going to take to kick it back into gear!! On day 2 of clean eating, and I'm already down two pounds! and i'm not afraid of yo-yo'ing.... this is a LIFESTYLE, not a diet!! :) Thanks for posting your results, it just gives me more motivation to keep on going!!!
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