eating before and/ or after workouts

Just wondering what people tend to do and why.

Obviously eating a large meal before a strenuous workout may cause some discomfort but my workouts tend to burn around 800-1600 calories so if I don't eat for an hour before I can feel just as uncomfortable towards the end.

Any tips or ideas for pre-workout meals or snacks?



  • tobejune
    tobejune Posts: 177
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I workout as soon as I roll out of bed so I have an empty stomach. It just seems to work best for me I found.
  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    What do you do that burns 800-1600 calories in a typical workout. Unless your running 10-15 miles a day, you're probably overestimating the burn.

    But to answer your question, I work out on an almost empty stomach (2-3 hours after a meal) and typically only do a protein shake after with maybe a light snack of fresh fruit, veg, or almonds.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I try to eat supper one hour before I work out. Usually a sandwich or a bowl of Chicken soup. I never saw the point in eating after a workout. Why gain back the calories you worked so hard to lose?
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    I try to eat supper one hour before I work out. Usually a sandwich or a bowl of Chicken soup. I never saw the point in eating after a workout. Why gain back the calories you worked so hard to lose?

    I used to think that way at one point in time. Achieved much better results from eating post workout.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I usually have a slice of whole-grain toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter for breakfast before I run or work out, and if it's more than an hour after the toast before I get out the door, I tend to grab a banana on the way out.

    After: if I burn more than 400 calories (~4 miles running), I have chocolate milk for recovery. Or sometimes a Chobani instead--just something to top up the tank. And I always try to eat back most of my exercise calories, or I feel like crap the next day.
  • starrchiild
    starrchiild Posts: 38 Member
    I train in a fasted state as soon as I wake up then eat a good size meal (breakfast) after I get home from the gym.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    try eating some oaty porridge an hour before you start your workout, lots of slow release energy there
  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    I try to workout before I eat. I workout early in the morning.
    I do it because I don't like the idea of "just eaten" food being jostled around in my body while working out. I am afraid I might get sick.
  • particleastro
    particleastro Posts: 68 Member
    1600 cals, wow!

    There is no difference in fat burning as to whether you train fasted or full. I train ABSOLUTELY full (Im still eating on the way into the gym!)

    If you find your uncomfortable having eaten before you can negate the physiological effects somewhat by taking 15g or BCAA or EAA (Brach Chain or Essential Amino Acids). This will stop your excercise becoming catabolic without having a uncomfortable amount of food in you.

    As far as Post work out, it is ABSOLUTELY the time to eat. Your muscles will be at their most sensitive to insulin and any protein or carbs you eat will be channeled towards those. Infact, if you are looking to maintain weight, it is the very best time to consume any starchy carbs you need in your diet. Not eating after working out will only lead to catabolism in the long run.

    As always, send us a message if you want clarification on anything,
    Good Luck
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I cannot workout after I eat because I suffer from really bad acid reflux. I try to workout at least 3 hours after a meal, typically right before dinner. :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I work out before dinner, but eat a snack beforehand. I think I have exercise-induced hypoglycemia, so if it's too long after food I get cold, dizzy, and nauseous. But working out after eating a large meal makes me want to barf.
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    my personal rule is light carbs before and protien after..

    but i also start the day carb heavy and slowly work towards protien - trying not to have cabrs after 5pm..

    i say Fuel the body to push harder to have a greater afterburn
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I usually lift a 1-2 hrs after breakfast. I can't do fasted workouts bc of my blood sugars. If its been awhile my staple is a 1/2 whole wheat bagel with PB. I also take a few preworkout supplements. No matter what I always have protein and a small carb post workout.

    Edit: And no offense but I think you might be greatly overestimating your burns there. You are rather small to be burning that much unless you are working out 3+ hrs a day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I workout a couple of hours after one of my snacks...I do my cardio at lunch at work and then eat my lunch afterwards...I lift in the evening around 6PM on non-cardio days and have my afternoon snack at 4PM. After lifting I have a protein shake and then dinner around 8:30PM.

    I don't get in as good of a workout if I'm full with a meal. I always have my protein within 30 minutes of a lift session and my dinners are usually pretty protein dense as well.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    How are you burning 1600 calories in a workout? I wanna do what you're doing if that's accurate lol
  • 30ismyyear
    30ismyyear Posts: 145 Member
    I'm new to all this and by no means an expert but I have kinda followed this guideline
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I normally eat a Ezekial Muffin with PB for breakfast, and some black tea or coffee.
    Then in about 2 hours I work out, then I drink I protein shake.
  • GingerBiscuit_19
    GingerBiscuit_19 Posts: 75 Member
    I have 2 slices of toast at around 7.30am, then have a banana around 10.30. I then go to the gym at 12.30 for an hour and then have my lunch after :) I do prefer to go to the gym at night though, so I do that if I have a late lunch.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I was reading a really great medical journal paper that said that the best thing apart from actual protein shakes post-workout is flavoured milk (chocolate milk) because it has a good mix of carbs/fat/protein and rehydrates your body better than shakes and iso drinks.

    Here's the link:

    Personally, I always eat something before I workout, but not necessarily a whole meal. Just depends when I'm working out I guess. I can also do a weights workout on a full stomach but not a cardio workout because I end up feeling a bit nauseous.