Exercise during pregnancy.....

I'm 5 months pregnant and I am looking for some good exercises to do that are not too high impact but burn a decent amount of calories. The other night I walked on the treadmill for 25 minutes and only burned 150 calories. I had to lower my speed because if I walk too fast, I start getting muscle cramps in my belly. But then when I walk slower, it seems like I'm not burning many calories. I also got a prenatal workout DVD and it was good the first couple of times I did it but now I'm kind of bored with it ... and it kills my back. I still want to exercise and stay active but I don't want to strain myself TOO much and I want to see a good calorie burn. I know it sounds silly but if I exercise and barely burn any calories, I feel like I'm doing it for nothing : /
I am actually hoping to get rid of my treadmill and get an elliptical machine in the next month or so but I'm not sure that we're doing that yet.

So.... any mamas out there with suggestions for some good exercises to do during pregnancy?


  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I cannot help you with this...
    I just know that I was told by my gyno that any workouts that I start doing now, before pregnancy, that I can continue them into my pregnancy and that includes running. Since my husband and I are looking to start a family later in the year, I have started working out to be fit to make the pregnancy easier. But She said you don't want to start any workouts during your pregnancy because it's not a great idea. Maybe a stability ball could aid in your work outs :)

    That is all I have, can you talk to your gyno to see if there is anything you can do, or if they have any suggestions? I would definitely turn to them for help :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I've heard that you shouldn't start any new workouts while you're pregnant. Try talking to your ObGyn and see if he/she has some gentle workouts you can do. But at this point, just gentle exercise is good for you and the baby, and you shouldn't be so focused on calorie burn.
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    I would definitely say to ask your obgyn. BUT, i do think walking is one of the BEST things you can do while pregnant. =) maybe pick up 2 or 3lb weights to do some arm exercises. maybe once it gets a little warmer, or if you have a heated pool, you can swim. Sorry I'm not much help... but i think the best most healthy thing you could do is ask your doc before you try anything out that people suggest on this site. and also, eat healthy!! Good luck and congrats on being a mama!
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    by the way... I'm a "Jen Marie" also!! =)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    No, None till after, unless you already have been doing it pre-pregnancy.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    nothing too crazy....or the baby might fall out.
  • we have a heavily pregnant woman who comes spinning.... she now sits at the back and is told not to push it at all, its not the winning its the taking part - i think its good
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    (Midwifery student here...)

    The main thing is that you avoid exercises that are overly strenuous, have heavy bouncing or jumping, or involve the core abdominal muscles. DO NOT DO sit ups, crunches, plank, etc. as those can cause an abdominal rupture (tear in your abdominal muscles).

    Good things to do would be walking, swimming, hiking, yoga, prenatal exercise videos, gentle dancing (belly dancing is actually GREAT for preparing for labor!), elliptical, bicycling, tai chi, gentle aerobics (no bouncing/jumping)... things like that.

    Be sure to increase both your water and salt. Since your blood volume has increased, you need more of BOTH to keep everything balanced and to prevent pre-eclampsia. High-mineral sea salt is best (the more color the better). And eat lots of protein and healthy fat after you workout (ie nuts/nut butter, beef jerky, etc).

    Always check with your OB or midwife to find out weight-lifting restrictions, or specific movements to avoid, depending out your particular needs/abilities/condition.
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    Some good tips as we're looking to start a family this year.
  • marshmallow8978
    marshmallow8978 Posts: 57 Member
    I had my baby in September, but while I was pregnant I would work out on our elliptical or do a DVD that I bought- either Summer Sanders or Walk away the pounds (it was 100 degrees outside!) nothing too strenuous. I think that it is recommended to not start a strenuous workout program while pregnant, just keep up with what you were doing (with modifications when needed), but walking is fine.
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    by the way... I'm a "Jen Marie" also!! =)

    I saw your screen name and it made me laugh because my mom used to call me Jen Jen when I was younger. lol
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
  • squeakyfish
    squeakyfish Posts: 109 Member
    I did spinning until 5 months, after that, I stuck with walking and yoga. I did both right up until a week before I delivered. I would highly recommend yoga. I had to do a regular class (there were no prenatal classes where I lived) but I modified for pregnancy. I think it really helped me stay mostly pain-free throughout my pregnancy.

    edited to add: it's not about burning calories, it's about being in the best shape you are capable of being (within reason) during your pregnancy to ensure a healthy baby and a healthy, easy birth.
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Biking---especially a recumbent! Stay around 10-12 mph and keep your heartrate around 140, but you'll get a nice stretch, some resistance training and it is a nice low-impact (sometimes walking with an off-center balance can cause ankle or knee injuries/sprains) workout.
    You and I are similar; I am 25 weeks pregnant with my 5th child and this pregnancy has been my fittest ever, although it stemmed from getting in shape after my last baby (who is now 16 months old!). When I was pregnant with #4, I got a nordictrack on craigslist and would just lightly pedal for 20-30 minutes three times a week while watching tv.
    With #5, my goal has been to bike for 30-45 min three times a week and lift weights twice a week (I do lat pulldowns, seated rows and inclined bench presses). I also try to get a good yoga workout in there twice a week, too, at nighttime, but that feels more like a nice stretch than actual exercise. Some weeks I hit that goal, some weeks I miss a workout or two, but I figure having a routine and goals is still leaps and bounds ahead of my first 3 pregnancies where I considered unwrapping a Taco Bell burrito to be a workout ;). I gained 35-40lbs with each of those---I gained 20 with my last pregnancy and only 9lbs so far with this one.
    Go for it. Hit the gym once. Wait a couple more days, go again. Log it on MFP and feel proud! Hopefully starting a new fitness routine will help you establish healthy habits for now, later and long down the road with other pregnancies!
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    P.S. This is the video I watch to do my yoga twice a week. It's a fabulous stretch and the dozen or so pushups you do along the way isn't bad for your arms/shoulders, too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWg1W6IELtQ
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    by the way... I'm a "Jen Marie" also!! =)

    I saw your screen name and it made me laugh because my mom used to call me Jen Jen when I was younger. lol

    awww.. ;] my mom still does! lol
  • catfulford
    catfulford Posts: 62 Member
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    What is your motivation for burning extra calories? Are you putting on too much weight? In that case, you need to modify your diet. Stay as active as you can, but now is not the time to start worrying about caloric burn. Fitness is not simply about the calorie burn; the best exercise is the one that you can stick to. (I know when I was pregnant I had the same problems if I walked too fast for too long).