C4 Preworkout drink?

I am looking for something to give me a boost of energy. By the time I get home from work I am too tired to go to the gym. I take energy pills but this doesn't seem like enough. I was wondering would a preworkout drink like C4 be good to drink during the day before I go to the gym to do cardio?


  • JSUGamecockFan
    JSUGamecockFan Posts: 17 Member
    C4 is pretty great. Flavors are good and it has niacin in it that makes you tingle a little bit and the caffeine is not so much that it makes you jittery. I don't know about doing it before cardio though.
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    The thing that gives me the most energy is water. If I am dehydrated I get tired, but if I am not I have tons of energy!
  • sfic1
    sfic1 Posts: 31
    C4 is a great energy booster. I use it. I take it 30 min b4 I start. If u do use it start with 1scoop. It does give u a tingly feeling.