Saggy biggest fear!!!

I've been trying to lose weight for almost a year. About 4 months ago I really got serious about it and have lost 54 lbs (13 since joining MFP) and though I am seeing results, there is something else I'm starting to see; sagging skin. I iincorporate weight lifting into all of my workouts but because I've been carrying over 100lbs of extra weight my entire life my biggest fear is that when I get down to my goal weight, in order to have the body that I want, it's going to require surgery. I'm mostly seeing it in my arms and stomach (my problem areas) and my chest (noooo!). I was wondering if anybody else was experiencing or has experienced this and can offer a non-surgical answer to solving my skin problem?


  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    I think you just need to give it time. In fact if you go ask about getting the surgery they will tell you to wait I think one or two years after you lost the weight to see if you're happy with how it ends up.
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    As you are young your skin is likely to tighten up! The toning with weights will help and try to keep the loss steady not too fast!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Skin took time to expand and may take some time to retract. Of course there are factors like age, genetics, how much weight lost and environment that will play into it, but like above poster mentioned, take up to 2 years to assess and make a decision on surgery.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Use dry skin brushing (always in the direction of your heart) and keep working out so you can fill up that sagging skin with muscle.

    You might also want to start a savings account for the surgery. I think I'm going to do that.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I have loose skin. Let me tell you that it is easier to hide loose skin than it is to hide fat.

    Also being healthy is worth it.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    My biggest fear is murderers.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My biggest one is death by fire.
  • CuteWittleWifey
    I understand how you feel, as I am pregnant with my first and I am HUGE!
    I don't know if there's anything you can do or not to prevent it, or whether its more genetic...but its hard to know what's going to happen. Honestly, though, my husband has lost about 100 pounds, maintaining the loss for years now. He has loose skin around his middle and hips, but really it isn't even a big deal. To him it is. Just like if you had loose skin it might bother you...but in the big scheme of things, you'll look SO much better and be so much healthier. Its worth it.
  • CuteWittleWifey
    Also, before I got pregnant, I lost fifty pounds and found myself a little squishy in my arms, thighs, chest and tummy. It tightened up a bit, and yours could do the same. :P
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    my biggest fear is something like this
  • smilesalot1969
    im 43 and ive lost 135lbs and i was worried about sagging skin too. I lost 85lbs 10 years ago and stayed a size 14-16 until last june when i decided i wanted the last of the weight gone. since then ive lost 40lbs and other than a tiny bit on my lower abs(which will go hopefully as it still has fat in it) ive been lucky because i did most of it slowly an gave my skin time to adjust. it does go back quite a bit unless youve been really seriously obese but you can help. Moisturise with a shea butter or vitamin E cream. Bust wise i wore a well fitting bra with the straps pulled up to keep the weight of them from sagging and i weight train. give it took time to stretch and so it will take time to go back sometimes up to 2 years
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    I agree it will take some time, but in the meanwhile, you can continue with the weights, massage and dry brush those areas and follow up with a skin tighten moisturizer such as Nivea or Jergens. As some of the others have mentioned the loose skin is much easier to hide than the fat. You are getting healthy and it is worth it.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Genetics play a big role into whether or not you will have sagging skin. I read we can help it along with weights and moisturizing those area to keep them hydrated.

    I gained about 100lbs over the last 20 years and athough I would like a flat tummy, i am not worrying about it.. I will settle for a small pouch and be happy. I don't want to get too skinny either where I just have the layer of skin hanging.. a pouch works for me.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I have had the bulk of my weight off for 2 years now, and I still have that pouch in the belly...I don't think anything will help with that. I also had my appendix out when I was 10, so I have that scar to deal with too. But overall, I can't complain too much. The other issue was losing my boobs....that isn't the best thing, but hey, it is better than being what I was. I will deal with it.
  • Ecirtap86
    Ecirtap86 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think what I've learned from your responses is that

    A. It'll take time and
    B. I should stop worrying about it.

    With those things in mind I'll continue to drop the weight and concentrate on being healthier. Everything else will fall into place.
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    I am totally with you! I have the same fear......... thank you for posting! :smile: this post helped enlighten me too :smile: