Building a support system!

Just looking for new friends to join in on the weight loss experience. Having people around me who understand what a process like this is can be one of the best motivators around! Looking forward to meeting new people and being a part of other people's support systems as well!! :smile:


  • Added you :-) this site is GREAT... The people make it great. I love all the support I get on here.
  • JustKimAMW
    JustKimAMW Posts: 12 Member
    I'm looking for some fitness pal friends for support too. I added you. :)
  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    Hey! Looking for fellow motivators! :) added you
  • HollyTsab
    HollyTsab Posts: 120 Member
    Hey all. I sent you ladies requests. I love having buddies who help keep me accountable. Hope I can help you out too. :)
  • Any and all feel free to add me as well :)
  • I added you. Anyone who wants to add me can. I am on here frequently and totally believe this works. I couldn't do this on my own and people here are friendly and helpful. So much info and motivation to be had and it's all free!! Best of luck.