HELP on Sedentary Lifestyle!!

I have a couple questions:

1) If I have set my lifestyle to "sedentary" but every once in awhile, say once a week, I just chill on the couch all day, would that mean that day I should still eat my Sedentary amounted total? or should I eat my BMR total, because I really am not doing a whole lot besides sitting, and getting up to grab the computer or put it back or get a drink of water or whatever. Essentially I'm wondering if my body still burns the Sedentary amount of calories regardless of what I'm doing that day, as long as MOST of my days I'm more active, or does it burn less on that one day that I'm super lazy.

2) I am 5'6 and weigh about 103lbs and I work a day job as a front office receptionist from 1pm-7pm. Instead of sitting for my shift, I stand and am kinda moving around the office during the day. In the mornings I usually go for a brisk 30-35 min walk and do things around the house and get myself ready. Would that be classified as a sedentary lifestyle? Right now I have it set as that and then just allow myself 50 more calories on the day that I do my brisk walk. my TDEE right now is 1540.

I really hope my first question makes sense...because I find it's hard to articulate that thought/question into words.

Please Help!!! :)


  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    1. You are not sedentary. Sedentary would be chilling on the couch all day every with no exercise. You should eat your BMR if you've been knocked out unconscious and are unable to move your eyeballs or anything else.

    2. You are the same height as me, and severely under weight, and on a weight loss site. I suggest you should see professional advice and not random internet advice. No, walking around at work and moving around after work does not qualify as sedentary. Sedentary is when you do not move around throughout the day. I was sick for a week and got up to use the bathroom and grab something in the fridge and the calorie estimates seemed as accurate as I expected. A brisk 35 minute walk even at your weight would likely put you over more then 50 calories. It is recommended for a healthy female to eat on average 2000 calories a day. Being under weight with no resistance workout and no cardio activities is not beneficial to your health.

    I am not sure why you messaged me to answer this question if you read my profile. Goodluck and I hope you decide to eat more. I also highly recommend buying a food scale for accuracy. You could be severely under eating what you think you are otherwise.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    1. You are not sedentary. Sedentary would be chilling on the couch all day every with no exercise. You should eat your BMR if you've been knocked out unconscious and are unable to move your eyeballs or anything else.

    Sedentary is someone who has a desk job not someone who lays on the couch. It still assumes you do basic moving around just not that you have an active job that requires you to be on your feet 8 hrs a day. It includes personal hygiene, cooking, basic housework, traveling to and from work, basic daily life.