Not all calories are created equal??



  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Depends on what you are trying to accomplish. If you are just going for weight loss, then just eat whatever and stay at a deficit. For body recomposition, then you will have to eat at a deficit and monitor macro intake.

    However, as long as your are making sensible choices of nutrient dense foods consistently, then you can treat yourself as long as it still fits into your day.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    (as insulins job is to convert blood sugar to fat),

    Ummm, yeah, no.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Studies like this have been done over and over, and the message is always the same: Over the long term, there's no difference in fat loss when protein intake is matched.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    two twins (genetically identical) people eating identical amounts of calories, but one eats nothing but processed "bad" foods and another eats only raw whole foods.

    do you think they'll look different? do you think their vitals will be different?

    No. They will not look different. No, their vitals will not be different either.

    Nice try tho
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    A friend and coworker is a big Atkins fan and has been trying to convience me that not all calories are created equal. While I'm not of that school of thought, he continues to send me articles upon occasion to "prove his point" and as a point of conversation. Here is the latest article he sent me.


    Dude! You lost 55lb! You obviously are doing something right. How much weight has this knowledgeable friend lost? Keep doing what your doing it's working so far. I still think portion control and eating your veggies and drinking your water is a good technique, at least for me.

    Tell you friend thanks for the info and drop it.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    two twins (genetically identical) people eating identical amounts of calories, but one eats nothing but processed "bad" foods and another eats only raw whole foods.

    do you think they'll look different? do you think their vitals will be different?

    No. They will not look different. No, their vitals will not be different either.

    Nice try tho

    This whole premise is laughable. No they won't look different or have significnatly different vitals. Another orthorexia thread in the making?
  • jjbnfo
    jjbnfo Posts: 15
    and even the bees need variety, as in nectar from different plants. The big bee die-off a few years back was believed to be due to beekeepers restricting the bees to one plant, thus not enabling the bees to get all the amino acids necessary
  • jrmartinezb
    jrmartinezb Posts: 147 Member
    As far as weight loss is concerned, all calories are almost –but not quite- equal. The effect of food in the body is not only supplying energy. Different foods also trigger different hormonal responses and activate different metabolic pathways. Protein also has a higher thermic effect than carbs and fat. So the type of food consumed actually changes the “calories out” side of the equation.

    Most importantly, the study only looks at how food composition changes energy expenditure. That is not the only important thing when you consider a real world scenario. Think of the other effects of what you’ll eat*, how easy the diet is to follow, variety of foods, micronutrients, digestive issues, etc. All things considered, I think a balanced diet is the best bet for most people, and the (very simplified) model of cals in vs cals out is good enough for weight control (again, for most people).

    *The article itself mentions how a very low carb diet could increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    Just an example... if you eat 1500 cals a day that is all starch/carbs, you will be at risk for diabetes, even if you are thin and are at a caloric deficit. However, eating 1500 cals in protein would mean more to build muscles with, so perhaps you might be more ripped--but you also might deal with constipation and possibly ammonia in your bloodstream. 1500 cals of fat, and your cholesterol would likely be through the roof. But it would be difficult to find someone who only eats one specific macro all day long. So I agree that different foods offer different nutrients, both macro and micro, and because of THAT, the calories in them are not created equal (in that, nutritionally speaking, and many times in regards to portion, 100 cals of protein looks different than 100 cals of carbs or 100 cals of fat. Or even within the same macro - 100 cals of fish looks different than 100 cals of beef, and 100 cals of honey looks different than 100 cals of potatoes). That's why we have to get a variety of foods so that we meet all of our nutritional needs (macros, vitamins, minerals, hydration, etc.).

    As far as weight loss is concerned, all calories are almost –but not quite- equal. The effect of food in the body is not only supplying energy. Different foods also trigger different hormonal responses and activate different metabolic pathways. Protein also has a higher thermic effect than carbs and fat. So the type of food consumed actually changes the “calories out” side of the equation.

    Most importantly, the study only looks at how food composition changes energy expenditure. That is not the only important thing when you consider a real world scenario. Think of the other effects of what you’ll eat*, how easy the diet is to follow, variety of foods, micronutrients, digestive issues, etc. All things considered, I think a balanced diet is the best bet for most people, and the (very simplified) model of cals in vs cals out is good enough for weight control (again, for most people).

    *The article itself mentions how a very low carb diet could increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

    Well said!
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    two twins (genetically identical) people eating identical amounts of calories, but one eats nothing but processed "bad" foods and another eats only raw whole foods.

    do you think they'll look different? do you think their vitals will be different?

    No. They will not look different. No, their vitals will not be different either.

    Nice try tho

    Well, perhaps they would look similar, but the vitals, if we are only considering BP, Temp and pulse would differ at least due to the salt content. Maybe not for you spring chickens, but for me who is a bit older, what I eat dramatically affects my blood pressure. If we consider cholesterol, then you will see even more differences. This is not a theory, I have the lab work that proves it to me, which is why I try to eat as healthy as I can. Progress, not perfection!
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    two twins (genetically identical) people eating identical amounts of calories, but one eats nothing but processed "bad" foods and another eats only raw whole foods.

    do you think they'll look different? do you think their vitals will be different?

    No. They will not look different. No, their vitals will not be different either.

    Nice try tho

    Well, perhaps they would look similar, but the vitals, if we are only considering BP, Temp and pulse would differ at least due to the salt content. Maybe not for you spring chickens, but for me who is a bit older, what I eat dramatically affects my blood pressure. If we consider cholesterol, then you will see even more differences. This is not a theory, I have the lab work that proves it to me, which is why I try to eat as healthy as I can. Progress, not perfection!

    Excellent point.

    Which then begs the question, what vitals did the original "asker" of that question mean? If you mean basic vitals--blood pressure, temperature, pulse, etc. it can certainly be affected by what you eat. Blood pressure, specifically, can be greatly affected by what you eat. Maybe not on that one specific day, but over time, your BP will change based on what you eat.

    And if we're talking LABS?? I can't imagine anyone actually insisting that blood labs would be the same between someone eating a highly processed, high-starch, high trans-fat diet, would be the same as someone eating mainly fruits veggies, complex carbs, and clean protein. Cholesterol, blood glucose, iron levels, vitamin D levels, RBC, hematocrit, etc. Not to mention urine! Proteinuria, glucouria, acidity, specific gravity... these are all affected by WHAT you eat, not HOW MUCH you eat. So you cannot possibly believe that those twins would be in exactly the same health.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    First off...what works for me may not work for you.

    I like to keep things simple. I'm not concerned about ANYTHING but net calories for the week. I don't care how much carbohydrate, sugar, fat, or salt food has.....JUST CALORIES. It's a simple mathematical formula. If you burn more than you take in...YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT. That way I can eat ANYTHING I want.

    Next....this is a SLOW LOSS PLAN. One MUST be patient. If you go by MFP's recommendation one pound/week loss is EXCELLENT!

    Just keep thinking that a year from now you'll weigh 52 POUNDS LESS!!!! You didn't gain all the weight shouldn't try to lose it all overnight.

    Good luck!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    two twins (genetically identical) people eating identical amounts of calories, but one eats nothing but processed "bad" foods and another eats only raw whole foods.

    do you think they'll look different? do you think their vitals will be different?

    No. They will not look different. No, their vitals will not be different either.

    Nice try tho

    Well, perhaps they would look similar, but the vitals, if we are only considering BP, Temp and pulse would differ at least due to the salt content. Maybe not for you spring chickens, but for me who is a bit older, what I eat dramatically affects my blood pressure. If we consider cholesterol, then you will see even more differences. This is not a theory, I have the lab work that proves it to me, which is why I try to eat as healthy as I can. Progress, not perfection!

    i guess the premise isn't all that laughable after all. you're a perfect example of my point. thanks.

    regardless... someone really needs to do this study. it would really end a whole lot of internet arguments. lol
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    two twins (genetically identical) people eating identical amounts of calories, but one eats nothing but processed "bad" foods and another eats only raw whole foods.

    do you think they'll look different? do you think their vitals will be different?

    No. They will not look different. No, their vitals will not be different either.

    Nice try tho

    Well, perhaps they would look similar, but the vitals, if we are only considering BP, Temp and pulse would differ at least due to the salt content. Maybe not for you spring chickens, but for me who is a bit older, what I eat dramatically affects my blood pressure. If we consider cholesterol, then you will see even more differences. This is not a theory, I have the lab work that proves it to me, which is why I try to eat as healthy as I can. Progress, not perfection!

    i guess the premise isn't all that laughable after all. you're a perfect example of my point. thanks.

    regardless... someone really needs to do this study. it would really end a whole lot of internet arguments. lol

    Most of them started by you posing idiotic premises.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    two twins (genetically identical) people eating identical amounts of calories, but one eats nothing but processed "bad" foods and another eats only raw whole foods.

    do you think they'll look different? do you think their vitals will be different?

    No. They will not look different. No, their vitals will not be different either.

    Nice try tho

    Well, perhaps they would look similar, but the vitals, if we are only considering BP, Temp and pulse would differ at least due to the salt content. Maybe not for you spring chickens, but for me who is a bit older, what I eat dramatically affects my blood pressure. If we consider cholesterol, then you will see even more differences. This is not a theory, I have the lab work that proves it to me, which is why I try to eat as healthy as I can. Progress, not perfection!

    i guess the premise isn't all that laughable after all. you're a perfect example of my point. thanks.

    regardless... someone really needs to do this study. it would really end a whole lot of internet arguments. lol

    Most of them started by you posing idiotic premises.

    lol just because you view something as idiotic does not make it so. the poster I quoted has had the very experience I mentioned.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    two twins (genetically identical) people eating identical amounts of calories, but one eats nothing but processed "bad" foods and another eats only raw whole foods.

    do you think they'll look different? do you think their vitals will be different?

    No. They will not look different. No, their vitals will not be different either.

    Nice try tho

    Well, perhaps they would look similar, but the vitals, if we are only considering BP, Temp and pulse would differ at least due to the salt content. Maybe not for you spring chickens, but for me who is a bit older, what I eat dramatically affects my blood pressure. If we consider cholesterol, then you will see even more differences. This is not a theory, I have the lab work that proves it to me, which is why I try to eat as healthy as I can. Progress, not perfection!

    i guess the premise isn't all that laughable after all. you're a perfect example of my point. thanks.

    regardless... someone really needs to do this study. it would really end a whole lot of internet arguments. lol

    Most of them started by you posing idiotic premises.

    lol just because you view something as idiotic does not make it so. the poster I quoted has had the very experience I mentioned.

    So, out of 3 billion people in the world, you have a couple that agree with you? That sure makes it legit.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    two twins (genetically identical) people eating identical amounts of calories, but one eats nothing but processed "bad" foods and another eats only raw whole foods.

    do you think they'll look different? do you think their vitals will be different?

    No. They will not look different. No, their vitals will not be different either.

    Nice try tho

    Well, perhaps they would look similar, but the vitals, if we are only considering BP, Temp and pulse would differ at least due to the salt content. Maybe not for you spring chickens, but for me who is a bit older, what I eat dramatically affects my blood pressure. If we consider cholesterol, then you will see even more differences. This is not a theory, I have the lab work that proves it to me, which is why I try to eat as healthy as I can. Progress, not perfection!

    i guess the premise isn't all that laughable after all. you're a perfect example of my point. thanks.

    regardless... someone really needs to do this study. it would really end a whole lot of internet arguments. lol

    Most of them started by you posing idiotic premises.

    lol just because you view something as idiotic does not make it so. the poster I quoted has had the very experience I mentioned.

    So, out of 3 billion people in the world, you have a couple that agree with you? That sure makes it legit.

    there are 7 billion people in the world.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    there are 7 billion people in the world.

    CoachReddy, I haven't seen a single thread with your involvement that hasn't devolved into a bitter argument.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    there are 7 billion people in the world.

    CoachReddy, I haven't seen a single thread with your involvement that hasn't devolved into a bitter argument.
    I would really love for that not to be the case - I would - but mmapags began with calling my premise idiotic and laugable without adding anything of value to the conversation, even though the post led to an interesting discussion. So remind me - who was it that began the name calling and the "argument" here?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I would really love for that not to be the case - I would - but mmapags began with calling my premise idiotic and laugable without adding anything of value to the conversation, even though the post led to an interesting discussion. So remind me - who was it that began the name calling and the "argument" here?

    Yay, now we'll argue about arguing. I didn't state it was because of your actions.