I'm always hungry in the evening

It seems like for the last few months now I always tend to get hungry in the evening after I've already had dinner around 10-11pm. I think I eat quite healthy most days and always try to get my 5 a day and exercise so why am I still hungry?! At first I thought it was because I was doing more exercise on some days (3 days a week I will walk to and from work and then most times I will exercise too) but then on the days I don't do as much I'm still hungry. Can anyone offer any suggestions on why this is and also good late night snacks which are healthy? Thanks in advance for you help :)

Also, I've changed my settings to my food diary so you can see it and provide me any advice.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I like to save 100 calories or so for an evening snack. One of my favorites is one of those 100 calorie bags of popcorn. It seems like you get a decent size snack to munch on for very few calories.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I also get hungry on an evening. Favourite snacks before bed are porridge made with soya milk and or 0% greek yogurt with dash of honey.
  • i am always hungry in the evenings too! I try and just drink water to get the hungry feeling to subside... sometimes it works other times not... Popcorn is very low cal if you air pop it and put not much on it! its filling too :)
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm hungrier in the evenings as well. I budget my calories so that I can eat more at that time.
  • VR82
    VR82 Posts: 19
    I guess it's normal but am I doing something wrong to be hungry in the evening? I try to snack regularly and eat foods that are suppost to keep you full.
  • The question is: Are you TRULY hungry, or are you just bored? Because thats my problem. All i want to do is snack in the evenings, but its just because I'm bored.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I eat at night EVERY night. Just save yourself some calories.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Could it be habit? I used to have the habit of grazing all afternoon every afternoon. I knew it wasn't because I was hungry, though.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    If you're doing something wrong to be hungry at night, then I'm doing the same thing wrong. I'm ravenous at night. I save calories so I can eat-problem solved.
  • Lammerchops
    Lammerchops Posts: 68 Member
    It's hard to reply with advice without seeing your intake for a week. Analyzing your overall intake and the breakdown of that intake (macros) will tell us a lot.

    Frequency, intensity and time of day of your workout sessions would also help.

    But as a general rule of thumb for evening snacks that do the least damage, *they* say no carbs after 7pm (which includes fruit, and I personally would exclude dairy due to the lactose). Again, would really like the chance to review your intake, but have you considered a healthy spoonful (NOT A 1/4 cup) of all-natural peanut butter? Filling, and a dose of monounsaturated fat.
  • MJH2
    MJH2 Posts: 55 Member
    I guess it's normal but am I doing something wrong to be hungry in the evening? I try to snack regularly and eat foods that are suppost to keep you full.

    You are doing everything right and that is why you are hungry. You are feeling after burn of all your hard work. A mentor of mine would always tell me that if I wasn't a tinge hungry I wasn't doing it right. I often brush my teeth when I know I am out of calories and it's later in the evening.
  • sb277
    sb277 Posts: 6
    Me too. I know I have eaten enough during the day, but am hungry at night. I save calories for the night. Fruit is always a good thing to eat, especially apples.
  • VR82
    VR82 Posts: 19
    Thanks, good to know there are so many hungry people in the evening. Any other healthy snack ideas? I do air popped popcorn, glass of milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, but sometimes I do crackers and cheese which is not so calorie friendly.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I always save some calories or pre-log my bedtime snack. I usually have some yogurt or ice cream.
  • VR82
    VR82 Posts: 19
    You can see my food diary at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/VR82 the items where calories are just added are items I couldn't find, so I just looked on the packet.
  • VR82
    VR82 Posts: 19
    You can see my food diary at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/VR82 the items where calories are just added are items I couldn't find, so I just looked on the packet.
  • VR82
    VR82 Posts: 19
    Why is fruit so bad to eat in the evening though? I heard this before but don't really understand.
  • I kinda know the feeling, but then again, I'm not really 'hungry' in the evenings, I just want a damn Snack! Evening for me, is just a time I can relax and watch a show or two...and watching TV somehow makes me want to nom on bad things. What I usually do is drink some carbonated Water with some Lemon. It satisfies me.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    Toss some garbanzo beans in your lunch, and you'll feel less hungry in the evening. But if you still need a little, try cottage cheese, which shouldn't upset your sleep.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    I just smash down a Piece of Watermelon, or invent some Fruit Smoothie.