here fishy fishy here fishy fishy!!!

hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
So I really love fish and I would love to work it into a dinner sometime, but neither of my sons enjoy any type of fish....not even fishticks lol....I was wondering if maybe there was a flavoraful kid friendly fish dish? (Tehehe that rhymed) :blushing:



  • 100x2xLose
    Salmon, salmon, salmon!

    My favourite ways to prepare it are sprinkled with lemon juice and dill and grilled or lightly glazed with teriyaki sauce and baked.

    Salmon doesn't have that "fishy" flavour, really, and it's more meaty than fishy in texture. I loved it growing up.
  • nickkehagias
    Salmon is a good one.

    The best though, is Swordfish. You barely have to season it, and then just squeeze lemon juice, salt, and pepper on it at the dinner table, and it's amazing. It has to be really fresh though, or it starts to have a fishy taste. They're like the steak of the sea though, for lack of a less cheesy description.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I got it to work with my son by starting with a white delicate fish...tilapia....very easy to prepare, and super mild non-fishy taste. Then, I worked up to salmon with him, but I found that you need to get wild caught salmon...the farmed stuff isnt as healthy for you (too much omega 6) and the wild caught has a better flavor, in my experience anyway.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    From someone who doesn't really like fish - I kinda like beer battered and fried fish but that's not an option!

    I don't like Salmon, I've had good and bad tilapia-i actually like mahi could dip in egg white roll in seasoned panko bread crumbs and oven bake - give them a sauce that's their fav to dip!

    At our house - it's me who's the picky one with fish! If it's got a shell I LOVE IT - clams, oysters, lobster, crab...mmmmmm.
  • nickkehagias
    Salmon is a good one.

    The best though, is Swordfish. You barely have to season it, and then just squeeze lemon juice, salt, and pepper on it at the dinner table, and it's amazing. It has to be really fresh though, or it starts to have a fishy taste. They're like the steak of the sea though, for lack of a less cheesy description.

    There's more mercury in farmed fish too.*

    *Course, this is coming from the person who suggested Swordfish, so meh. As long as you aren't eating any of them every day, it's actually not a problem.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Thank you all for the Ideas, I think I'll try salmon and swordfish and see how it goes...if they dont like it I spose I can always cook some chicken for them instead...and HI CHRISSY!!! how have you been?!? Glad to see you're still at it hun...:bigsmile: Hudson's just like anything with a shell and hates regular fish lol
  • rschwa
    rschwa Posts: 27
    I really like this fish taco recipe:

    I make it with Tilapia, and I use cabbage, carrot, and broccoli slaw instead of straight cabbage for a good crunch, but it's not bad with lettuce, either.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I really like this fish taco recipe:

    I make it with Tilapia, and I use cabbage, carrot, and broccoli slaw instead of straight cabbage for a good crunch, but it's not bad with lettuce, either.
    that might really work! cause they love tacos lol...but how's fish in a taco taste? :ohwell:
  • rschwa
    rschwa Posts: 27
    I was skeptical of fish in tacos, too, but after having that recipe... I swear - I would eat those every day.
    Make sure to stick to the seasoning recipe. I think the Smoked Paprika is an important complement to the lime in the sauce.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I was skeptical of fish in tacos, too, but after having that recipe... I swear - I would eat those every day.
    Make sure to stick to the seasoning recipe. I think the Smoked Paprika is an important complement to the lime in the sauce.
    alright well then i'll deff give it a try...:) thank u very much
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Do you by chance have a Trader Joe's near you? If so, they make really good Tilapia Citronette. My two kids and I will have that with a side of vegetables or fruit when hubby is working. Kids weren't crazy about fish, but this they actually ask for.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Do you by chance have a Trader Joe's near you? If so, they make really good Tilapia Citronette. My two kids and I will have that with a side of vegetables or fruit when hubby is working. Kids weren't crazy about fish, but this they actually ask for.
    nope no trader joes :frown:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I want to try those tacos too!!!