I need some input!

Jennifer22109 Posts: 27 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok - so here's my question/situation...

I am struggling with time management and lack of energy!!!

I get up around 5:30am to get ready for work. I work full time and am gone from 7am to 5:30pm every day. Then, I pick up my 2 young children (4 yrs and 8 mos) and get home, fix dinner, clean up, take care of our german shepherd....by that time it is nearly 7:30 or so...sometime's 8pm. Now it is almost time for my children to get to bed, after i get done with baths, bedtime stories, trying to convince my 8 month old to sleep...it is way past 9:30. My husband works 2nd shift hours and usually does not get home until 10:30 or so. By 9 pm I am almost falling asleep sitting up. My question is this....HOW DO I GET A WORKOUT IN???!!!

I have a membership to a gym that is open 24/7 and i still can't manage to find time when i can keep my eyes open to work out. I have an eliptical in my office here at home, but by the time I get my children asleep I feel way too tired to be motivated to workout. What's the trick to time management for exercising for those of you that do not have lives that allow for any free time for yourself?!

I feel very confident in my eating and calorie intake, however, I do not feel that is enough. I am pretty overweight and I need to be exercising as well. If i forced myself to get on the eliptical after my boys are asleep, how long is considered a good workout?

Any advice would be much appreciated! I just hate being so tired all the time! - another reason I need to get in shape!



  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    Do you have a lunch hour that you could walk during, or walk up and down stairs? I am a mother of three (1, 4, 9) plus dog and husband. Or how about fixing something easy and simple for dinners or fix enough to have left overs, and use the time you would fixing dinner to just be crazy and dance around the house with your kids. You don't have to work out for an hour straight, maybe you could find small intervals during the day where you could do little things, things that aren't considered conventional "workouts."
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Workout at lunch time, go for a run, or a gym nearby. I workout everyday at lunch for 1/2 an hour the rest of my lunch hour is for getting to and from the gym and eating.
  • Michelle923
    Michelle923 Posts: 28 Member
    Boy, that is a hard one...been there done that myself (years ago they are 17 and 14 now). With the weather getting warmer get a double stroller and take them for walks after you get home from work. Or, if you don't have a double stroller use a body pack to carry the smaller one and push the older one. The kids will likely enjoy the journey and you are getting outside and getting to exercise.

    Also, try to look for games that you can play with your older child to keep you active. Follow the leader, simon says with some stretches thrown in, that sort of thing.

    Also, could you move the eliptical somewhere where you can see them. I used to put the little one in this play center that she couldn't get out of and would do aerobics where I could see her. Remember too that even 15 minutes will help give you more energy and burn calories. I ued to get hung up on the fact that if I didn't have an hour to exercise it wasn't worth it. NOT TRUE!

    The other thing....which I used to do....is get up 30 minutes earlier and hit the eliptical. I know it's really hard! But that would be your time when everyone else is asleep and will give you more energy thoughout the day.

    Good luck....it does get easier as they get a bit older.

  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Oh, Jennifer...I could have written the exact same post today. I'm feeling the pressure to do it all and not having nearly enough time to do it in.

    Our situations are so similar its scary...only difference is I work full time, plus work a job at home and I'm a single mom of one. I've got the gym membership, all the DVD's, the stability ball..weights...recumbant bike...blah blah blah...but if I cant find time to use it..what then?

    So...I'm committing to get to the gym Friday at 4 a.m. before work for an hour and a half and then Saturday and Sunday a.m. at 7 for the same time. The other 4 days, I'm going to try to work in whatever activity I can.

    I walk a very brisk walk on my lunch break for 30 minutes. Then, I try to "sneak" exersize in. When I'm at the office and go to the ladies room...I do a quick set of 20 wall push ups or squats or whatever I can do. When i'm curling my hair for work, I do side kicks or rows with a 5 lb weight with the opposite hand. Once in a while I'll stand up at work and do 50 punch jabs in the air...

    I dont know what the secret is, but I wish you the best. Maybe we just have to adjust our thinking as to what a "work out" is...fitting in whatever we can where ever we can.
  • Jennifer22109
    Jennifer22109 Posts: 27 Member
    Lunch time is a great idea. I work out in the middle of nowhere and 30 min from home so going to the gym is out of the question, however I could walk for 45 min or so. You guys are right. If I plan ahead I should be able to find time here and there. I guess I have always looked at it like I needed to spend an entire hour killing myself on a machine or something...I don't know lol
  • I had to ask for time. I am in a similar situation as you. Same time up, at work all day, my daughter in bed around 8. I asked my husband if he could help with supper so I could at least get half an hour in. Also keep in mind, if you can do at least 10 minutes, that's 10 minutes more than none at all. Good luck.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I started planning my meals by the week (sometimes month) so I know what I'm making. I prep as much as I can on the weekends (Veggies are all cut up for snacks). At least that cuts down on how many times I need to go to the store during the week and the time figuring out what to have for supper.

    If it's getting nice where you are, maybe go for a walk with your kids (even after baths, it might help convince and 8 month old to sleep).
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Can your husband not take care of the dog and do some clean up? That frees up some time for you in the evening. Other than that, I say that lunch would be good for you. Go for a good walk, do squats etc. Take the kids out in the evening for a walk or bike ride.
  • Jennifer22109
    Jennifer22109 Posts: 27 Member
    My husband works second shift. So yes he does take care of the dog during the day when he is home and also does a lot of chores and errands. I think I will plan dinners ahead better, definitely take advantage of lunch time, and try to incorporate some sort of exercise at home with the kids too. I think the key here is to plan ahead!!! lol
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I am in the same exact boat! I work 45 min away from home and have two young kids (1 and 4 year old). I have 2 dogs and 3 cats. Plus my husband works a swing shift. So his schedule changes all the time. I can never count on him to watch the kids or help around the house. But, what I do is make a schedule of what is for dinner the whole week. I make sure I have everything. Leftovers are always a big help or making extra and freezing it. By the time I get home it's not til 4:30 or later. I am a teacher so work school hours but am required to be there a half hour before and after school. As far as work around the house my 4 year old is in the phase where she loves to help mommy : ) So she is able to wipe down the table, pick up clothes, even dust (this is new!). Not to mention she loves taking care of my son. Just having her occupy him helps out so much.

    But, anyway, I make it a point to go to the gym right after after work and before i get home to make dinner because I know I wouldn't get out if I went home first! But it's all about discipline. And doing little things like standing and walking farther when going to stores. Now that it's nicer outside, go out and play with the kids. We love to garden together. Every little thing helps and once you see that scale move you'll want to go to the gym or work out at home!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    That's very hard. :flowerforyou: I remember those days - my husband also used to work opposite shifts from me so we wouldn't have to rely too much on babysitters. I walked everywhere with the kids, which was not only good exercise but also fun as we saw so many things we would have missed just passing them in the car.

    My dog doesn't know that he's my exercise pal:smile: when we're out walking I often see young moms with strollers and dogs enjoying our beautiful park. Try it; it might work for you!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I have a very similar schedule and I'm a mom and a wife, etc. I workout during my lunch break whether it be at the gym, outside for a jog, or whatever. You can make it work! Good luck!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I exercise as soon as I get home and before dinner. I have more energy to do it then. If I sit down, I don't want to get back up. Walking during part of your lunch is a good idea as well. Some exercise is better than none so just do as much as you can fit into your day. Maybe dance around with your kids right before bed? That could be enough to put everyone to sleep. I know it's hard but you can find a few minutes every day to do something good for you. I will tell you that I sleep much better when I work out. IF you can squeeze in 10 minutes of exercise 3 times a day then it adds up.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Hire a crockpot! Planning your dinners and throwing dinner in to cook in the morning will make it easy when you get home to throw together a salad and eat dinner. Then you can take those kiddos and the pup out for a nice walk. It'll give you some quality time with them, get them some exercise (making bed time easier) and instill yet another good habit in their minds that exercise is a part of a normal, healthy, everyday life.
    I love summers because we eat a lot of salads with grilled chicken or grilled pork chops for dinner... George Foreman is great for that!
    You can also cook more on the weekends and have the meals in the refrigerator to be heated up when you get home.

    You'll find what works for you - but those are some of my ideas...
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    LOTS of good ideas here. As someone in a similar situation (almost 2 and almost 4), I just wanted to let you know you're not alone and doing the best you can at this point is about all you can do. Your day is super busy - you're not sitting around eating bon bon's ;)

    The weather is about to get nicer and you'll appreciate getting outdoors with the kids :) Throwing them into a stroller and going for a walk is not only exercise - it's also occupying the kids for an hour or so!

    We'll all get through these times and my friends tell me we'll miss them :) Imagine what we're going to be able to do with all that time on our hands!!! :)
  • just so u know some of the foods can make u tired not enough sleep or enough calories. and high fructose corn syrup can make u tired high carbs in one food group can make u feel sluggish raises blood sugars .. if ur eating complex carbs its slow rise in blood sugars, keep u fuller longer , when i chose something its like 3/4 cup of kashi heart to heart cereal, 1 cup mixed blueberries and blackberries. 1 cup fat free milk,. im full. that a breakfast i have alot of days. complex means there is fiber protiene in it which in turn gives balance of that carb. i have fiber one yogurt for 2 hr snacks in between, or have 7 reduced fat triscuts 1 and half carb. or peanut butter and apples also good is chobani yogurt ..
  • as we do lots of things in the day commit yourself to that exercise time. another words make time to do it its important to you right??
    also for me it was about the mind set and ready willing and able to commit something good for me. someone asked me one day you cant or you wont ? and then said arent you worth taking care of you..?
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You have to remember that it is 80% diet and 20% activity. I have been in the same situation as you. I worked out during my lunch hour. No it isn't ideal, or fun, but if you are serious you will find time to do it. Try adjusting your diet first, don't give up if you can't exercise right away. Like the others said, spend the weekends outdoors with the kids, even an hour per week moving your body will count!
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