I'm new and here to get fit!

melaniese Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello. My name is Mel. Some people told me about this site, so thought I'd sign up. I've lost 30lbs since August 2009. I now need to lose the remaining 25 lbs to get to my goal weight. I'm 5'3" so I'm on the high end of the 'healthy weight' but I'm okay with that since I'm big boned. Currently type 2 diabetic but blood test numbers have already dropped after I lost my first 20lbs.
I have a wedding I'm in on May 8 and would like to be about 157 by then.
I also just started training for running 5K using C25K. Currently on Week 3. I'm very active on Jillian Michaels . com and that is what has helped me so far to lose weight. Looking for additional support and accountability and motivation from here.


  • jaysen05
    jaysen05 Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome. You will enjoy this site.
  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
    Welcome to MFP =]
  • ariss416
    ariss416 Posts: 2
    Good Morning everyone,
    This is my first week on this plan and so far so good. Im not used to actually tracking what I eat, I have tried the other plans that track points only. I hope to lose 60 pounds. Im not sure if I am supposed to be eating more than 1000 calories per day, I dont seem to be able to fit that much in unless I add milk (which I do not like much). I dont know how much I am supposed to eat or exercise yet, so I am just reading and seeing what others are doing. :-)
  • Welcome! I am new to the site too and will keep an out for your progress. I also have the goal of not just losing weight, but getting in shape!
  • hhakb0
    hhakb0 Posts: 7
    Good luck! I have never really had luck becuase I never accounted for both my exersize and eating together. This webiste is awesome. It really helps to motivate you to find healthy food that is not rabbit food. I am loving it and when I reach my goal( in 5lbs) I will probably continue to log in my food just because this is asuch a great tool for food calulating calories at home and restaraunts.
  • hhakb0
    hhakb0 Posts: 7
    I would start low with your exersize goal, then if you do more, you feel better instead of the reverse it you don;t make you goal. I starte with twice a week for 30 min. Then days I am not feeling it I can still walk for 15 or so and I will still make my 60 min goal. When you pair that with watching your calories you can be pretty powerful.
  • savannahgur
    savannahgur Posts: 235 Member
    I just started C25K too...I hope it helps me :) good luck!!!
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