How long does the body need to adjust to a calorie increase?



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I upped my calories like 2 weeks or so ago.. i'm really struggling to eat enough though, I was struggling at 1200 even.. However I also got my monthly cycle the week after I upped it.. So ican't give an accurate assesement of weight gain due to one or the other. LOL.

    Damn femaleness...

    Anyway.. I think the measurement thing is a great idea.. I stopped losing weight a bit back.. but my pants are still getting looser and I can feel the muscles getting stronger and tighter. I need to measure again.. but not this week! LOL

    I can't get it down.. one day I do great.. reaching my goals only to feel full and bloated the next and totally miss my goals by a lot. Plus I exercise a lot.. so I probably still have my goals to low.. but baby steps lead to success right? Come hell or highwater I'll get this done! LOL
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I always gave it two weeks. A week to deal with the spike and a week to see what's really happening. Worked for me all the from 1300 to 4000.
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    I'm at 1890 cals/before exercise! Eat da foods! Your body will adjust, different people will have different adjustment periods, just be patient... It's worth it!
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    i srte dto ''eat more'' in the beg. of feb....i only lost 1kg, but lost almost 10 cm in my tights...crazy huh?

    but yea the scales arent good for motivation, get that measurment tape out, youll see results, i promise!

    Good advice!
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    I've recently gone from 1400 to 2160 as I was under eating, I now do TDEE - 20% and that is 2820 for me but I've not gone up that high yet, my weight is still stagnant after 9 days but I'm starting weights next week so we shall see!
  • Wen37
    Wen37 Posts: 218 Member
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    My weight is still stagnant at 2160 I might up it now?