The BEST Marinade EVER!!!

angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
Hey guys!! Just thought I'd share this recipe with you guys! You'll thank me for it later!!

The BEST Marinade EVER!

1/2cup Olive Oil
1cup Soy Sauce (I use low sodium)
1Tblsp Ground Ginger
2Tblsp Smoked Paprika (Important to get SMOKED paprika as opposed to regular....Much bolder flavor!!)
4Cloves Minced Garlic
Splash Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper (to taste)
Stevia (Optional- I use 4 packets)

Throw all ingredients in a food processor and you're done!

If you don't have a food processor just make sure you mince the garlic really well (or buy the already minced kind) and then mix all ingredients together. I just like to use the food processor because it blends it all really well (And chops the garlic up even more) but I've done it without a food processor and it was still JUST as yummy!

This recipe makes about 2 cups of marinade so you can just use what you need and refrigerate the rest and use as needed. Its really great on any meat (I've done chicken breast , shrimp, and pork chops as well) and its really good on sauteed broccoli as well!

Its SOOOOO yummy and so simple to make! I make sure I always have some in stock! (Keep in mind, in the fridge the ingredients will separate...Thats fine just stir it up before you use it again!)

Enjoy!! Let me know how you like it!
