Has anyone lost any weight doing jump rope?

Was online looking for other ways to exercise that are actually fun! I wanted to try jump roping.. has anyone lost any weight doing so? How does your body feel afterwards? Does it matter if i'm well endowed?


  • samanthasky
    samanthasky Posts: 114 Member
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
    anything that gets your body moving (instead of sitting on the couch) is a good thing

    wear a good fitting sports bra, double up the bras if you need more support.

    good luck
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Most of your weight loss will come through your diet. Any activity that burns calories can contribute, there isn't one exercise over another that gives magic results.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    Most of your weight loss will come through your diet. Any activity that burns calories can contribute, there isn't one exercise over another that gives magic results.

    What? most of our weight loss is conditional both on diet and exercise. There is no dominant factor within these two crucial elements of weight loss. If you exercise little, you must eat alot less. If you exercise alot, you can eat alot more, and still lose weight.

    The equilibrium is what matters, whether you are exercising enough to justify weight loss at a specific intake of calories.

    A bit off topic, but to answer your question, I LOVE cardio that is full body., and jump rope fills that requirement. Jump robe is my favorite form of cardio...next to dancing!
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I think jumping rope is great cardio. I haven't started yet, but am planing on adding it in. Anything you enjoy and want to do is a bonus.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    Jumping rope can be awesome cardio but is too hard on my knees. Howwwwwwever I also went on a search for fun things a while back :D and the one I like is hula hooping! The ones at toy stores don't really do the job as they are too light and flimsy and usually way too small for adults.

    I really feel it the next day in my abs! And I do it in front of the tv lol. It's for lazy days I don't go to the gym and/or something fun to do at the park.

    Also worth noting: when I started last year I couldn't keep the hoop up for more than a couple turns, but after a week I could keep it up until I get too tired! I think an hour is the longest without stopping but usually I take breaks.

    Here is a good resource if you're interested in trying it =]

    I don't do all of the crazy advanced moves as I'm more interested in fitness than hoop dancing but I can hoop on my chest, waist, hips and knees and while running now :D(but in my living room just on my waist standing still or i hit things hahaha)

    EDIT: if you read about it and decide you're interested here is a place to buy a budget hoop for 20 bucks including shipping:

    There are other pretty decorated ones in this etsy shop too for a little more, and other etsy shops too. For fitness and for beginners choose 160 psi piping; it's a little heavier so easier to keep up. =] if not good luck with the jump roping!
  • Jaeykub
    Jaeykub Posts: 5 Member
    I'm losing weight using jump rope as my main exercise (I hate running and walking is boring). It takes practice and if you jump properly it won't bother your knees. You have to learn how to jump just high enough to clear the rope, between 1/2 - 1 inch. When it feels like you're not even jumping and the rope passes under your feet you're jumping high enough. Don't worry about doing the fancy tricks until you get better. Just focus on doing the basic bounce and alternate foot step. If you need some tips I suggest watching these two videos:


    Try not to get frustrated when you mess up because it will happen a lot, just keep jumping. You'll see that you are improving with time. I could only do 8 jumps at a time before I had to catch my breath. Now I can jump for almost 2 minutes before I mess up. Also, do calve and toe raises everyday because it will help reduce the chance of getting shin splints. If you're looking for a rope to buy I recommend this one:


    Good luck and happy jumping :)
  • I jump rope about 5 days a week. I dont think that it helps me to much but I had a friend in the core that was jumping 5 min an hour 10 hours a day and he lost weight like crazy he also had a good diet plan.