Jillian Michaels Fat Burner

Hey guys, I put on a few pounds and I want to lose them fast before a trip I am planning. I started taking Jillian Michaels fat burner and I was wondering if anyone has had any success. So far I only take the half dosage, one in the morning and one at lunch. I dont feel jittery or anything I just have a lot of energy and feel great. Even if they dont help in weightloss I love the energy I have without feeling drugged!


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I used them and you are right they definitely give you energy! I did lose some weight and quit taking them. Now I'm not losing any weight. I don't know if one has to do with the other but if I don't see any weight loss soon I'm going to start taking them again.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    bumping for responses.