What is the purpose of eating fats??

People always have these "low carb diets", and others say carbs are good, they give you energy... A lot of people always preach the importance of protein, especially if the want muscle... But what is fat good for?? Why do people try to eat "low fat"?? And what would eating high in fat do??


  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Fat is good for many things, absorbing vitamins and nutrients one of the big ones.

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Other than being essential, they taste good.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    if i go totally fat free i get sick. and constipated. true story. ick.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    The body can't survive without it. You need fat to help cushion your organs in your body. It helps with hormonal response.

    You can't store fat unless you overeat, there fore eating fats help to keep them in your system and normal function without over consumption.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • willprovost
    willprovost Posts: 32 Member
    A few positives about fat:

    1. Some vitamins need fat to be absorbed.
    2. Fat adds a pleasant texture to many foods.
    3. Fat is high in calories. Yeah, I know, sounds counter-intuitive, but for a survival purpose, high calories are good!
    4. Fat is naturally occurring in many delicious foods.

    Ultimately, what are your goals? Although many say "lose weight" what most really want is to be satisfied with their health. Cutting all the fat intake from your food choices might ruin the experience of eating, and that sounds pretty unsatisfying, mentally. I figure stay into the lower fat choices when possible, but don't make myself miserable in the process.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    Fats are also used to make up the myelin sheaths that line our nerves. If we don't have the fats to maintain and replace these fats, our nerves will "short out", resulting in depression, anxiety, or even more severe psychological disorders. An increase of natural fats helped me to overcome postpartum depression.

    It's also useful in digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

    Here's more info:


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    LOL. Fats are necessary for EVERYTHING. IMO low fat diets are unhealthy. That fats are bad and/or make you fat is the biggest nutritional LIE of all time. The hypothesis has been disproven and disproven and disproven. Natural saturated fatty acids are especially beneficial, again contrary to the misinformation that we are given. Gotta dig beyond the food and health industry propaganda.

    Most of us don't need a whole lot of protein, and when consumed without adequate fat, protein is even less beneficial. Carbs are non essential and the importance of fibre has been exaggerated. It's good too (from vegetables), but one doesn't necessarily "need" it (ask the Inuit) and definitely not in huge amounts.

    Anyways, there is lots of information readily available on nutrition, physiology, and metabolism. It's a little tedious going through all the studies, but there are many doctors and authors who have already done much of the digging and present the information in an enjoyable, easy to read format. No, don't "believe" everything, just start questioning and exploring.

    Eating high fat (low carb, zero grains) has cured a long list of illnesses for me. A few are: severe depression, anxiety, headaches, neurological disorder, chronic pain and fatigue, pre-diabetes, chronic joint pain, lung infections, allergies, sleep apnea, binge eating disorder, etc. Also, a lovely side effect of my lifestyle is effortless weight loss. I've been experimenting with getting my fat higher (I was at 60%, now I try for 75-80%) and I've noticed dramatic results. I feel even better and more energetic, AND during the weeks that I eat the most fat, I also lose the most weight. Yup, strange (but not really).
  • willprovost
    willprovost Posts: 32 Member
    I honestly didn't know about the nerve and cushioning aspects. I just wouldn't cut it out because it would make me miserable (I had known about the vitamin absorption, as well). Lots of neat info to be had, learn something new every day.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    One of the most critical reasons is that they are essential for hormone production. And they make food taste damn good!!!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Don't forget about the heart, which is probably the single most important reason dietary fats are needed.
  • janetlynn31
    janetlynn31 Posts: 74 Member
    Healthy hair, organs, organ function -- your body can't do w/o healthy fats. Plus - it makes food taste good. I never buy fat free - it's gross, and they've usually substituted more sugar or chemicals for the missing fat.
  • I hate fatty tasting foods haha

    but the posts above are spot on, it's really important for absorbing certain vitamins, organ health, skin/hair/nails in particular.

    I buy low fat things in dairy because to me it tastes better... buuut fat is better than the artificial sugars etc that the body cant digest at all and just sits in your intestines causing build up bowl issues

    *edit carbs are important, sugar is important... everything is important! it's a cliche but it's true, you just have to find a healthy balance
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Everyone on here is right, HUGE part in your nerves, needed for cushioning, HUGE in vitamin absorption. Your body needs it just as much as it needs carbs and protein. They're ALL important. This is explained in detail in the NROLFW book if you read that section.... you have that book don't you? I know you do the workouts...
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    Sometimes you need fats. Fats are healthy if you take in the right amount and the right kind. Of course, trans fats are man-made - they usually come in the form of hydrogenated oils (so if you see that in the ingredients, avoid at all costs!)

    Peanut butter, fish oils, and olive oil are the top three foods with healthy fats. They're the ones you should eat on a weekly basis and make sure you take in the necessary nutrients from these foods to keep up with the necessary nutrients you need!

    Check my blog for more foods to love/hate.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member

    CHRIS TRAEGER! hahaha... Love Parks and Rec. He's right, though. Things with fat taste way better.

    I don't have the actual research on-hand right now, but I did read a while back (and also confirmed with my nutritionist) that low-fat dairy, in particular, can actually cause you to gain weight. Below are a few articles on the subject:



  • NBSfit
    NBSfit Posts: 44 Member
    Every single one of your cells is essentially a fat-bag. Cell membranes, also called the plasma membrane, are made primarily of fats, followed by cholesterol, proteins and glycoproteins.

    || || || || || || <
    Phospholipid bilayer
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  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    People try to eat low fat because those foods have lower calories. I prefer to eat real fat but less of it. I learned about fake fats or fake products that have fake stuff in them to make them low fat and things fake being bad when I did a low carb super trendy diet I won't mention here for fear of getting jumped (virtually).

    So anyways according to that and other low carb diets fats make you feel satisfied and that was the case for me when I stayed on that trendy diet for 6 months and lost 5o lbs, i returned to normal "healthy " eating and stayed thin for years before having a series of surgeries that added the pounds i'm working on losing now.

    so like lets say your turkey sandwich is non satisfying. but you know a tablespoon of mayo wouldhit the spot. mayo is a real fat but high in calories, but then avocado might help too and unsure how high the calories are but i think it's the "good" fat.

    OMG i sound like an idiot, don't listen to me that's all i know about fat. Find real food, eat some fat but not too much. basic.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    fat is an essential macronutrient. supports endocrine function, energy metabolim, organ function, joint function, brain function, muscle function. fat is vital in the absorption of essential vitamins, and works in much capacity to lubricate and shield joints. They are critical in cholesterol (the good kind) upkeep, and also the primary compounds behind genetic sequencing.

    eat them!....but not too much!
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    If you like having the use of your brain & nervous system, include fats in your diet. They do plenty of other things to but that in particular makes me think they are pretty gosh darn important in my diet.